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The Russian Revolution

  • Czar Rule

    Czar Rule
    The Czars were a group of Autocratic leaders who practiced extremely strict rule. If any citizens went against the church or any other aspect of Russian culture they were seriously in danger of prosecution.
  • Working Class Russians Enraged At Industrialization

    Working Class Russians Enraged At Industrialization
    As a result of the recent industrialization movement, workers became aggressive. They began rioting with organized strikes against their employers.
  • Nicholas II Instated into Russian Office

    Nicholas II Instated into Russian Office
    Nicholas II was chosen for office in 1894 as the Russian Czar. Nicholas looked to strengthen the industrialization movement in Russia and pushed for many different reforms regarding taxes and obtaining investors.
  • Revolution Commences

    Revolution Commences
    1902 was the year in which the Russian people began to band together and take action against their oppressive government. A group called the Marxist revolutionaries believed that the workers would overthrow the Czars and gain control of the country. In the year following, the Marxist's split in two organizations. One group, the more moderate of the two were called the Mensheviks. There
    was also a more radical group labeled the Bolsheviks.
  • Japanese - Russian War

    Japanese - Russian War
    A series of arguments over surrounding territory between Japan and Russia resulted in engagement and a subsequent war. The failures of the Russian military ensued anger in the citizens which only incentivized a revolt. The continual victories of the Japanese exposed the weakness of the Russian Czars.
  • "Bloody Sunday"

    "Bloody Sunday"
    An overwhelming 200,000 workers signed a petition pleading for better working conditions and treatment. The petition was sent to the government and instead of considering complying, Nicholas II ordered the military to open fire on the mass crowd of protestors. This action resulted in many more riots and actions alike.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    A monumental move for the country, Russia enters into WWI with little economical strength and even less military power. In less than a calendar year, 4 million Russian soldiers were either lost, killed, or captured, again, exposing the weakness of Nicholas II.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The "March" revolution actually took place in February. Russia operated on a different calendar system than the rest of the world. Over a span of 5 days, 200,000+ civilians, including soldiers, marched the streets of Petrograd in protest of the war.
  • Nicholas II Resigns

    Nicholas II Resigns
    As a direct result of the march revolution, Nicholas II forfeited the throne. This event only inspired the civilians to push even harder for reform. Only a year later Nicholas II and his family were executed by revolutionists.
  • New Government Is Instated

    New Government Is Instated
    Kerensky, assisted by the Duma, was chosen to lead Russia after Nicholas II's resignation. Kerensky decided to continue fighting in the war which lost him support and worsened the conditions in Russia.
  • Lenin Takes Over -- Russia Breaks Into Civil War

    Lenin Takes Over -- Russia Breaks Into Civil War
    The Bolsheviks overthrew the temporary government and Kerensky. The White Army looked to push back against this unjustified power and push Lenin back out of office. Lenin led the Red army. Even with the assistance of the United States and a few other nation, the Red army could not be defeated. After 14 million deaths, Lenin maintained power.
  • Lenin And The Bolsheviks Subscribe To The Communist System

    Lenin And The Bolsheviks Subscribe To The Communist System
    The Bolsheviks simply changed their name to "The Communist Party". Communism basically fed off of the desire for working conditions reform and promised fair conditions for everyone. Lenin became a dictator and allowed the Communist Party to maintain power in Russia.
  • Stalin Gains Control

    Stalin Gains Control
    Over a series of wars Joseph Stalin made many moves in order to put himself in a place of power. After Lenin's death he was able to quickly and effortlessly move into power as the dictator of the Communist Party.