The Russian Revolution

  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    Due to a local protest, Czar Nicholas II leaves his throne. A year later, Revolutionaries execute Nicholas and his family. Leaders of Duma establish a provisional government, which Alexander Kerensky leads. He decides to continue on with World War I and the conditions in Russia become worse.
  • The Provisional Government Topples

    The Provisional Government Topples
    Factory workers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They called themselves The Bolshevik Red Guards. Kerensky fled away.
  • World War I: The Final Blow

    World War I: The Final Blow
    Russia was dragged into World War I, the decision made by Nicholas the II. In 1915, Nicholas moved his headquarters to the war front, left his wife Czarina in charge of the government.She listened to Rasputin, a man who seemed like he had magical healing powers. Their son Alexis had suffered from Hemophilia, and Rasputin had seemed to diminish all symptoms. Then Czarina had left Rasputin in charge for making political decisions but Rasputin ended up being killed.
  • Civil War Rages in Russia

    Civil War Rages in Russia
    Opponents formed a white army. White army was made up of different groups. There were groups that supported Czar. other who wanted democratic government. even socialists who opposed Lenin's style of socialism. 14 million of Russians died fighting.
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Lenin sets aside his ideas for the state controlled environment. He resorts to a small- scale version of capitalism called the (NEP). Government keeps control of major industries, banks, and means of communism, but allowed small businesses, farms and factories, operate under private ownership. They encouraged foreign investment.
  • Political Reforms

    Political Reforms
    Leaders of the Bolsheviks are saw nationalism as a threat to unity and party royalty. Lenin organized Russia into several self- governing republics under the central government. The country was rename the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Bolsheviks renamed their communist party.
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922. He survived, but everything became a commotion. After Lenin dies, Stalin becomes the new dictator and is welded to absolute power as a dictator.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Russian workers attempted to petition Czar Nicholas II for better working conditions, freedoms, and a better government. The Czar's troop fire on the petitioner's and killed several hundred. This event demonstrated the socioeconomic problems suffered by average Russians and the unwillingness of the monarchy to reform.