The Russian Revolution

By gillkel
  • The Decembrist Revolution

    The Decembrist Revolution
    Russian Army officers lead 3000 soldiers in a revolt against Nicholas I. The government succesfully sedated the revolt. The square where the revolt took place was renamed in 1925, Decembrist Square in honour of the event's centerany.
  • Czar Alexander II emancipates the serfs

    Czar Alexander II emancipates the serfs
    Czar Alexander II emancipates ( frees) the serfs, or peasants. THe serfs were granted their own land and belongings.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    Nicholas II succeeded his father in 1894 unexpectadely after his older brother died.
  • The Social-Democratic Labor party splits into 2 groups, the Menshoviks and Belsheviks

    The Social-Democratic Labor party splits into 2 groups, the Menshoviks and Belsheviks
    The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were originally part of the same group, The Social-Democratic Labor party. When they realized that ht eopinions of the two groups were opposing, the party collapsed. The two groups were seperate fo rthe rest of their existance.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japanese War was a dispute between the Japanese and Russians over a peice of land near a southern port. The Japanese won the war and Czar Nicholas II lost many resources and men pointlessly, which lost more support from the people.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    When people gathered in a square to request the government make reforms, they were brutally shot at, on orders of Czar Nicholas II. Many were killed and injured, fueling the revolution that would soon break out.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The revolution of 1905 occured when a mass of unrest swept through the people of Russia. They revolted and when soldiers were sent to stop them, they turned and joined. Eventually the Czar was forced to abdicate teh throne.
  • World War 1 ( Russian Involvement)

    World War 1 ( Russian Involvement)
    At the beginning of the war, the people of Russia rallied behind Nicholas II, and most supported the war. After a few years of death and loss however, the people lost faith in the armies, and many deserted. Russia eventually pulled out of the war, by Lenin, after facing a revolution and an abdicated czar.
  • Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
    Throughout the February Revolution, the Czar is forced to abdicate his throne. Him and his family become prisoners in Russia, and are eventually executed and buried in a common grave.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    In March of 1917 the people of Petrograd (St. Petersburg) revolted against the Russian government. Eventually they successfully forced the czar to abdicate the throne of Russia.
  • Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Nicholas II and his family are executed
    Czar NIcholas II and his family were brutally executed in a basement after he had been forced to abdicte due to revolts. Eventually the country would go to the Bolsheviks.
  • Alexander Kerensky becomes leader of the Provisional Government

    Alexander Kerensky becomes leader of the Provisional Government
    Alexander Kerensky was elected the second Prime MInister of the Provisional Government in 1917 and served until he ws overthrown by the Bolsheviks. He was put into exile fo rthe remainder of his life.
  • Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace

    Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
    Armed Bolsheviks stormed into government buildings such as the Winter Palace, capturing Provisional Government officials as thye went. The Bolsheviks took over Russia, led successfully by Vladimir Lenin.
  • The Russian Civil War begins

    The Russian Civil War begins
    The two largest roups in the Russian civil war were the Bolsheviks ( the red army), and the loosely allied forces ( the white army). THe red army fought for sociolism in Russia, while teh white army fought to make Russia more democratic. Eventually the red army won and the Bolsheviks took over.
  • Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    When Lenin died it put Stalin into power. Lenin died of multiple strokes and was ill for a very long time before his death in 1924. With Stalin ruling Russia the country would fall apart and many people would eventually die.