
*The Russian Czars, Reforms and Revolutions*

By Agam16
  • Alexander I

    Alexander I
    Alexander I inherited a throne,Alexander I (Aleksandr Pavlovich), 1777-1825, grandson of Catherine the Great, and Emperor of Russia from 1801 until his death on December 1, 1825. He was a popular ruler, well liked for his liberal ideas and concern for the peasantry. He instituted an extensive system of public education, but in spite of a distaste for the institution of serfdom, was unable to abolish it.
  • Period: to

    The Russian Czars, Reforms and Revolutions.

  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    The eldest son of Tsar Nicholas I, was born in Moscow on 17th April, 1818.Came to the throne in 1855 during the Crimean War. Liberals demanded changes, and students demonstratedfor reforms.Pressed from all sides, Alexander II agreed to reforms in 1861, he issued a royal decree that required emancipation, or freeing the serfs. He set up a system of local gov't. Elected assemblies called zemstvos, were made responsible for matters such as road repair, schools, and agriculture.
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    A group of army officers led an uprising known Decembrist revolt. Fought Tsar Napoleon I in the Western Europe.On December 26, 1825, the Decembrist Revolt against autocracy and serfdom broke out in Senate Square in St. Petersburg.These rebels were liberals who felt threatened by the new ruler's conservative views. They were, however, defeated by the tsar's forces. As a result of this revolt, Nicholas I implemented a variety of new regulations to prevent the spread of liberal movement in Russia
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III
    The son of Alexander II, and the one who wiped out liberals and revolutions, increased the power of the secret police , and restored strict censorship. He also exiled all critics to Serbia. Russification- aimed at suppressing the cultures of non-Russion people within the empire. Programs- Persecution of Russian Jews, limited the number of Jews who were able to study in universities and Practice Professions such as law and medicine. Jews were also forced to live in restricted areas.
  • Nicolas II (Tran-Siberian Road)

    Nicolas II (Tran-Siberian Road)
    Last eperor of Russia, son of Alexander III. Thanks to him Russia finally entered the industrial age. He secured foreign capital to invest in transportation system & industry. (1891-1916)Loans from France helped build the Tran-Siberian Railroad. Was build to connect iron, coal mines, and transport goods across Russia.
  • Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)

    Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)
    Used false name "Lenin". Founder of Union of Solviet Socialist Republics. Leader of 1917 October revolution. That time the economy was in shambles and discontent among peasants and urban workers was high. Lenin issued the New Economic Policy as a way of shoring up the sagging economy. NEP granted concessions to foreign capitalists in order to encourage trade and he permitted peasants to sell their produce on the open market. He died on January 21, 1924.
  • March 1881

    March 1881
    Russian Tsar, Alexander II, was travelling through the snow to the Winter Palace in St Petersburg. An armed Cossack sat with the coach driver, another six Cossacks followed on horseback and behind them came a group of police officers in sledges. Alexander II was assassinated by two terrorist bombers.
  • War with Japan

    War with Japan
    The war began on Feb. 8, 1904, when the main Japanese fleet launched a surprise attack and siege on the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur. In March the Japanese landed an army in Korea that quickly overran that country. They Fought for Faith, the Czar , and Fatherland.Russia faced humiliating defeat.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Peaceful demonstrators marching to present a petition to Nicolas II were gunned down. Lots of dead and hurt. People lost faith and trust in the Czar.1904 was a bad year for Russian workers. Prices of essential goods rose so quickly that real wages declined by 20 per cent. Over 110,000 workers in St. Petersburg went out on strike. In an attempt to settle the dispute, George Gapon decided to make a personal appeal to Nicholas II. He drew up a petition for max 8 hours/day, increse in wages etc,.
  • Revolution of 1805 (October Manifest, Duma)

    Revolution of 1805 (October Manifest, Duma)
    Strikes multiplied. In some cities , workers took over local gov't. In the countryside , peasaants revolted and demended land. At last Nicolas was forced to announce sweeping reforms. He promiced , "freedom of person, conscience, speech,assembly and union." He also agreed to summon a Duma, or elected national legislative. No law would be passedwithout his approval.The manifesto satisfied enough of the moderate participants in the revolution to weaken the forces against the government.
  • Peter Stolypin

    Peter Stolypin
    Was the new prime minister. Aressts pogroms and executions followed as the conservative Stolypin sought to restore order. He soon realized that Russia needed reform, not just repression. He introduced moderate land reforms ,strengthened the zemstvos and improved education. These reforms were too limited to meet. The broad needs of most Russians and dissatifaction still simmerect. He was assassinated on September 19-th, 1911.