
The Rise of Christianity

  • 31

    31 A.D. Peter Becomes The Leader of The Small Community of Christians In Jerusalem

    31 A.D.  Peter Becomes The Leader of The Small Community of Christians In Jerusalem
    He became leader of The 12 Apostles
  • 31

    31 A.D. Jesus Has The Last Supper

    31 A.D.  Jesus Has The Last Supper
  • 31

    31 A.D. Jesus Was Crucified Outside of Jerusalem

    31 A.D.  Jesus Was Crucified Outside of Jerusalem
    Rome did this to prove he was a normal human
  • 64

    64 A.D. Peter Dies In Rome As Martyrs

  • 75

    75 A.D. Early Christian Gospel Is Written Down

    75 A.D.  Early Christian Gospel Is Written Down
    Christian music and songs
  • 303

    303 A.D. Diocelatian Persecutes Christians

    303 A.D.  Diocelatian Persecutes Christians
  • 312

    312 A.D. Constantine Put Chi-Rho Symbols on Roman Shields

    312 A.D.  Constantine Put Chi-Rho Symbols on Roman Shields
    Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and a title of Christ and God in the Book of Revelation. This pair of letters are used as Christian symbols, and are often combined with the Cross, Chi-rho, or other Christian symbols.
  • 315

    315 A.D. Constantine Has Found Several Churches In Rome

    315 A.D.  Constantine Has Found Several Churches In Rome
  • 476

    476 A.D. The Byzantine Empire

    476 A.D.  The Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire had an important cultural legacy, both on the Orthodox Church and on the revival of Greek and Roman studies, which influenced the Renaissance.
  • 543

    543 A.D. Christianity Reaches Present Day Sudan

    543 A.D. Christianity Reaches Present Day Sudan
  • 650

    650 A.D. Jews and Christians Gain Religious Tolerance

  • 960

    960 A.D. Harald Bluetooth Is Baptized a Christian

    960 A.D. Harald Bluetooth Is Baptized a Christian
  • 1054

    1054 A.D. East-West Schism Occurs

    1054 A.D. East-West Schism Occurs
    This is also known as the split of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches.