
The People, Events, and Ideas of the Renaissance

  • 1300


    The study of humans and how we are complicated beings with intrecit emotions and feelings. Most all Renaissance men loved this idea and studied constantly about the European culture and lifestyles.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    The Era

  • Jul 20, 1304


    Famous scolar and poet, known for being one of the first humanists of the modern era and the renaissance. One o fhis greatest works was the Canzoniere meaning "songbook".
  • 1350

    Artistic Perspective

    Artistic Perspective
    The idea that things get further away with distance and the practice of drawling is tough to master.
  • 1400

    Johan Gutenburg

    Johan Gutenburg
    Traditionallyhe was a blacksmith and a goldsmith. But when he innovated and perfected the printing press, he became much more historic. Introducing the modern printing press to Europe ment they could now get literature much more widely, making education more widely accesable, which improved literacy immensely.
  • 1439

    Printing Revolution

    Printing Revolution
    The Brand new Printing press invented by Johannes Gutenburg was absolutely revolutionary for the European Renaissance, making books and literature available for the public only pushed the arts being rediscovered that much more, to then the common folk could now find jobs easier with further job places looking for employment further away. Also making education much much more accessible, also just helped sprout the middle class.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de'Medici

    Lorenzo de'Medici
    Lorenzo was born extremely wealthy into the family that controled the city of Florence at the time, they were bankers and statesmen that could profit from just about anything. The family grew so powerful that plots of assasination were coming from Pope Sixtus IV himself, for he wanted the city under his own control.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Most Famous Man of the time, well known Painter, Writer, Sculpter, Inventor, Musician, Painter, Architect, Polymath, Mathematician, Engineer, Geologist, Anatomist, Cartographer and Botanist, truly a great renaissance man.
  • Oct 28, 1466


    Desiderius Erasmus also known as Erasmus of Rotterdam was a famous Dutch philosipher and Christian humanist. Known for standing with the Cathlioc church while John Calvin and Martin Luther were reforming across Europe.
  • May 3, 1469

    Niccolo Machiavelli

    Niccolo Machiavelli
    An Italian Diplomat that is said to have founded modern Political Philosiphy. Basically the Definition of a corrupt politition Stating that do anything you can to get power, only if you can obtain it, sustain it, and grow it. Best known for his book "The Prince" where he conveys his ideals of gaining power and being a good leader.
  • May 21, 1471

    Albrecht Durer

    Albrecht Durer
    A Germen Painter and Theorist. Lived in Italy for a year to look at the great art of the italians. When he returned later in his life he found work as a painter and was able to produce some of his most famous works in this time, such as the Paumgartner altarpiece and the Adoration of the Magi.
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Another Mathematician and Astronomer, that structured how the sun and planets in our solar system are positioned, and disproved that the Earth Was in fact not in the center of the universe, a popular theory of the time. The Catholic church wanted him dead for proposing the theory that they weren't in the center of the universe.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    extremely famous sculptor, painter, architect and poet. best known for painting the celing of the Sistine Chapel, and particularly the creation of man. Being a sculptor he's best known for sculpting biblical figures, like David and Moses. As an Architect he designed St. Peter's basilica.
  • Feb 7, 1478

    Sir Thomas More

    Sir Thomas More
    A great and respected saint of the cathlioc church,he was truly a renaissance man as he was educated as a lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. Also he was the main advisor to the new young kink of England, Henry VIII, who was known for killing his wives and also Thomas himself, as he refused to change to become part of the church of England.
  • 1483


    Well known Painter and architect of the times. He was among the three great art masters, along with Michelangelo and Leonardo. His most famous work was best known for painting the picture of "The School of Athens". He died young caused by a high fever.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Originally a Cathlioc Priest that had devoted his life to his service to god, turned to the greatest enemy of the church. When he saw the church basically selling worthless paper that said you'll go to heaven for half a years wages, he was outraged and began exposing the cathlioc church for other thing that were bothering him. He is Titled for the great Prodestant reformation and the Luthrian Denomination is named after him and his teachings.
  • Jun 28, 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry the Sixth was the king of England at a young age, since his father and older brother both died, he was put into the position in the age of a teen. He is most known for having many wives and either killing them or divorcing them. But the Cathlioc church forbided divorces so he decided to create the Church of England. But since his main advisor was too much devoted Cathlioc and wouldn't leave the church, he was "forced" to have his executed.
  • Jul 10, 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    A Big Player in the Prodestant reformation, John Calvin was a French pastor that began to go against the cathlioc church. the Calvinist denomination is named after him and his teachings. He wrote many books about his experiences and was an accomplished author.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Queen of England, the final monarch from the house of Tudor. the Daughter of Henry VIII, carried on her fathers way of the Church of England, and expanded its influence. She only got to the throne after many of her Half siblings died one after another.
  • 1535

    Sale of Indulgences

    Sale of Indulgences
    Indulgences were paper sold by the catholic church that redeemed your soul for about 3 Marks, or Half a years wages. Martin Luther, a former Priest was so against this his actions against it started one of the biggest religious schisms ever, the protestant reformation, separating the catholic church and the new protestant church.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Event was help until 1563 Where The main leaders across Europe tried to find a solution For the New Protestant reformation situation. As they were afraid of Losing lots of money, really quickly. But the council decided to Side with the Protestants that the catholic church was extremely corrupt, and soon after this many protestant denominations came to be and they became the new majority religion across Europe.
  • 1564

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare was an English poet, actor, and playwright. He produced many many iconic plays and poems that we study today, as he is regarded as the Greatest writer in the English language. some of his greatest works are, Romeo and Juliett, Macbeth, Hamlet, and The Tempest, just to name a few.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo is known as the father of modern Observational Astronomy. Galileo studied speed, velocity, gravity, and Free Fall. He began studying many of the Sciences of the renaissance from a young age and excelled immediately,
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    Traditionally Thought of during the 11th century My Late Dark age philosophers, but was rebirthed by famous renaissance Scientists such as galileo, Newton, and Francis Bacon.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    Newton was an English Mathematician, Physicist, and Astronomer. he was also an accomplished author, having written many books on his studies and research. His most famous foundation was discovering calculus, a more powerful way to solve equations.