The Middle Ages

  • 395

    Birth of Byzantine Empire

    Birth of Byzantine Empire
    Teodosio divided Roman Empire in two parts
  • Period: 395 to 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    Is the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, when Teodosio divided the Roman Empire
  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire

    Fall of Western Roman Empire
    The barbarians invaded Roma and conquered the Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 1050

    Early Middle Age

    Is the first period of the Middle Age
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle Age

    Is one of the periods of the History
  • 570

    Muhammad's born

    Muhammad's born
    Muhammad wass bor as the prophet for muslims persons
  • 622

    Birth of Islam

    Birth of Islam
    Mahoma goes to Yathrib, this day is consider the birth of Islam
  • Period: 622 to 1258

    Islamic Empire

  • 711

    Muslims conquered Iberian Peninsula

    Muslims conquered Iberian Peninsula
    The muslims weent into the Iberian Peninsula and conquuered it
  • Period: 1050 to 1250

    High Middle Age

    Is the second period of the Middle Age
  • Period: 1250 to 1492

    Late Middle Age

    Is the third and last period of the Middle Age
  • 1453

    Fall of the Bizantine Empire

    Fall of the Bizantine Empire
    The turks invaded Constantinopla and this is the finsh of the Bizantine Empire(29 of may)
  • Dec 10, 1492

    Colon discover America

    Colon discover America
    Colon tried to go to India and he and their crew discover America