The Life of Mohandas Gandhi

  • The birth of Mohandas K. Gandhi. He was born in Costal Gujarat.

    The birth of Mohandas K. Gandhi. He was born in Costal Gujarat.
  • Period: to

    Gandhi's Life

  • Gandhi leaves for England to study law.

    Gandhi leaves for England to study law.
  • Gandhi passes the bar exam in England.

  • Gandhi goes to Africa to advise on a lawsuit.

  • Gandhi stays in Africa and founds the Natal Indian Congress.

  • Gandhi returns to Africa, after retrieving his family from India.

    Gandhi returns to Africa, after retrieving his family from India.
  • Gahndhi attends Indian Natioinal Congress(ingore month,day)

    Gahndhi attends Indian Natioinal Congress(ingore month,day)
  • Gandhi attains two years in prison.

    Gandhi attains two years in prison.
  • Gandhi is arrested once more, and spends a month in jail.

  • Gandhi leads march to protest unfair poll tax and marrige laws.

    Gandhi leads march to protest unfair poll tax and marrige laws.
  • Gandhi sails to England.

    Gandhi sails to England.
  • Gandhi returns to India.

    Gandhi returns to India.
  • Gandhi founds the Satyagraha ashram, a religious community where Gandhi's followers will live.

  • Amristar Massacre; General Dyer orders British troops to fire on Indian people.

    Amristar Massacre; General Dyer orders British troops to fire on Indian people.
  • Gandhi calls for a time of noncooperation and civil disobedience across India.

    Gandhi calls for a time of noncooperation and civil disobedience across India.
  • Gandhi becomes president of Indian National Congress. (Ignore month,day)

  • Gandhi publishes the declaration of independence of India.

  • Gandhi leads Salt March in protest of salt tax.

    Gandhi leads Salt March in protest of salt tax.
  • British government gives in to protesters and releases all prisoners from the Salt March.

  • Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Godse.