
The Hydrogen Bomb and the Nuclear Arms Race

  • Truman Announces the Hydrogen Bomb

    U.S. President Harry S. Truman announces his support for the developement of the hydrogen bomb to reclaim nuclear supremecy.
  • Americans First Test Hyrdrogen Bomb

    Tested by Edward Teller, Stanislaw M. Ulam, and other sciencetrists develope the first H-Bomb which is tested at Enewatak atoll.
  • U.S.S.R. First Test Hydrogen Bombb

  • U.K. First Test Hydrogen Bomb

  • Hydrogen Bomb Lost in Spain

  • USA has 8,000 ICBM’s and USSR has 7,000 ICBM’s

    USA had 8,000 ICBM’s and USSR 7,000 ICBM’s
    USA had 4,000 planes capable of delivering a nuclear bomb. Russia had 5000.
  • 40,000 nuclear war-heads estimated around the world

  • Over 40,000 Hydrogen Bombs Stored Around the World

    By the late 1980's there were over 40,000 H-Bombs stored in arsenals of nuclear-armed countries around the world, but this reduced during the 1990's