
The Fall Of The Roman Empire

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    Beginning of Rome

    Beginning of Rome
    Rome is located in the center of the Italian peninsula. The Italian peninsula is an ideal spot for the Romans because of its natural borders. It has the Appalachian Mountains to the north and bodies of water on the other 3 sides. In 509 B.C the Romans drove out the Etruscans and set up a government called a republic. In this government officials were chosen by people. Eventually people were put into assembly’s were they could vote, these assembly were run by the most powerful group, the senate.
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    Patricians and Plebians

    Patricians and Plebians
    Patricians were aristocrats of the early Roman Republic. Patricians come from wealthy families, and controlled the government, army, and state religion. They were the members of the senate. Plebeians on the other were commoners. Freed slaves and peasant farmers depend on plebeians. Plebeian’s denied many rights and are unable to vote.
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    Roman Society and Decline of the Rebublic

    Roman Society and Decline of the Rebublic
    Family, education, and religion are very important to the Romans. Males were the head of the household and had absolute authority. Women on the other hand didn't have that much power. Eventually they gained greater freedom which grew over the centuries. Some of the women ran business but most worked at home raising their families. Education was also enforced. Boys and girls learned to read and write. Education was highly valued. Religion was also important. It was centered on pleasing the gods.
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    End of Roman Rebublic

    End of Roman Rebublic
    As problems arose in the republic civil wars broke out, and military generals began to fight for power. Julius Caesar emerges, forms a triumpferate, and rules for 10 years. He became popular and a group of senates feared he would become king. So on March 15, 44 B.C.E Caesar is assassinated by a group of senates. With this, civil wars broke out. This ended the republic.
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    Start of the Roman Empire

    Start of the Roman Empire
    The winner of the civil war was Octavian, Caesars nephew. He forms the second triumvirate. This triumvirate includes Lepidus, Mark Antony, and Octavian himself. Mark Antony falls in love with the Egyptian princess Cleopatra and aligns with her.This causes an untruthful relationship between Mark Antony and Octavian.This creates another civil war, during this civil war both Cleopatra and Mark Antony die, so Octavian becomes the leader of Rome, and receives the name "Augustus"- First Roman Emperor.
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Under Augustus Caesars rule Rome entered 200 years of peace and prosperity, known as pax romana. During this time many positive things happened. The empire expanded, roads, bridges, and aqueducts improved, and trade increased. Marcus Aurelius continued pax romana. He ruled from 161 C.E - 180 C.E, and was the last of the 5 "good emperors. He unified Rome economically, and spent most his time fighting off invasions. When he gave up power he decided to choose Commodus to follow him as emperor.
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    Improvement of Rome

    Improvement of Rome
    Diocletian was the man who worked to strengthen Rome. Two key decisions made this possible. He appointed a co-emperor Maximian, and divided the empire into two, the west and the east. There were 4 leaders, two in the west and two in the east. Diocletian chose to rule the eastern half because it was wealthier, and Maximian ruled the western half. The empire was doubled, he improved tax structure, and took steps to stop economic decline. But in 305 C.E Diocletian gave up power.
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    Rule under Constantine

    Rule under Constantine
    click hereConstantine ruled from 306 C.E - 337 C.E. When civil war broke out within the empire, he doubted he was going to win. But suddenly he saw some hope; there in the sky was a symbol from god. This symbol was a P with an X, it meant you will conquer. He wrote the symbol on the shields, and won the battle. Then the co- emperors Constantine and Licinius fought for control. Constantine is victorious and converted the empire to Christia
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    Invasion and Collapse

    Invasion and Collapse
    After the death of Constantine, Germanic tribes attacked the empire. In the 400's C.E the Romans could not hold off the invasion. In 410 C.E Visigoths captured and looted Rome. This continued until 455 C.E when Vandles left Rome powerless. And in 476 C.E Ostrogoths led to the final collapse. After Rome fell eastern part stayed strong, this created the Byzantine empire.
  • Decline of the Roman Empire

    Decline of the Roman Empire
    Commodus was the emperor that started the decline of the republic. He ruled from 180 C.E - 192 C.E. He was hated so much and was eventually assassinated on December 31, 192 C.E. Several problems led to the fall of Rome, Weak corrupt leaders, mercenary army, size of empire, and serious economic problems.