
The Fall of the Roman Empire

By D131
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    Augustus Caesar (27B.C.E - 14 C.E

    Augustus Caesar  (27B.C.E - 14 C.E
    Augustus Caesar was the first Roman Emperor. Infastructer improved trade and wealth. Art and literature flourished also there religion was Polytheistis wicht means many gods. Pax Roman of 200 years of peace and prosperity.
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    Rebublic to Empire

    Rebublic to Empire
    Octavian defeats Mark Antony and Cleo Patra. Octavian is given the title "Augustus" and becomes the first ever Roman Emerpor and citizen
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    The 2nd Triumvirate

    The 2nd Triumvirate
    November 25 B.C.E to 14 B.C Mark Antony falls in love with Cleo Patra and Octavian dose not like it. The 3 became official and then there is a fight of power.
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    Julius Ceasar and 1st Triumvirate

    Julius Ceasar and 1st Triumvirate
    Ruled 61 B.C.E to 44 B.C. He joined with Pompey and Crassus to form the first triumvirate. In 61 B.C.E he forced the senate to make him a dictator. March 15th, 44 B.C.E also know as "TheIdes Of March" senators got together and stabbed him to death.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 161

    Marcus Aurellus (161 C.E -180 C.E)

    Marcus Aurellus (161 C.E -180 C.E)
    Marcus Aurellus was the last of the 5 "Good Emperors", he spent most of his time putting down rebellions and fighting off invosions. He unified the Roman Empire economically also he chose his sun Commodus to follow him as Emperor. Marcus made a common coin for all of Empire to use and marked end of Pax Roman.
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    50 years of Decline

    50 years of Decline
    It begain under commoudus. There were several problems led to decline. The problems were; weak crompet leaders, mercenar armry (foreign, payed soldiers), the size of the Emprie was hard to manage and last several economie problems.
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    Constiantine (306 C.E- 337 C.E)

    Constiantine (306 C.E- 337 C.E)
    Constantine Angel - YouTube
    Constiantine emerged from the battle of Milvian Bridge. Also christons were persecuded and constantien polytheistic. Credits christan god for sending sign and converts to christonanity to dealth bed. Also fill with doubt about winning
  • 476

    Fall of western Rome

    Fall of western Rome
    467 C.E Odacer a short Greman chief porclamied homself as king. There were many reosons for the Emipre to fall. A series of weak leaders who did not support military. There was an imbalance of trade which means weak economy.
  • Commodus (180 C.E - 192 C.E)

    Commodus (180 C.E - 192 C.E)
    Commodus begain the decline of the Roman Empire also he was more interested in entertainment than government. Which was Chariot Races and Glasator Battles. He allowed others to help run the Empire. The government ran out of money so he orderd dealth of the wealthy, he took there money. He was assassinated December 12 192 C.E
  • Diocletian (284 C.E - 305 C.E)

    Diocletian (284 C.E - 305 C.E)
    Diocletian knew the Empire was to big. So Diocletion divied it ito East and West, picked a co-emperor, he had 4 peolpe running the Empire, the co-emeror miximi of the west and Diocletion for the east, Diocletion took east beacuse the east side has more wealth. Since he divived the Empiror it slowed down the decline. Also he did not name a successor. 4 peolpe running an Emipor means tetrarchy.