
The Fall of Rome

By rositan
  • 330

    City of Constantine

    The Emperor Constantine founds the city of Constantinople to strengthen Rome's hold on the eastern part of its Empire.
  • 476

    Deposition of last Western Emperor.

     Deposition of last Western Emperor.
    Rome is conquered by the Goths, and the eastern half of the Empire carries on as the Byzantine Empire.
  • Jan 1, 611


    Muhammad receives the first revelations from God in a cave near Mecca.
  • Jan 1, 622


    Muhammad and his followers leave Mecca for Medina.
  • Jan 1, 632


    Mahammad dies.
  • Jan 1, 640

    Conquer Eygpt

    Conquer Eygpt
    The armies of Amr Ibn al-'As conquer Egypt and found the city of al-Fustat.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Umayyad Empire

    The Umayyad Empire rules most of the islamic world.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abbassid Empire

    The Abbassid Empire rules most of the Islamic world.
  • Husayn Dies

    Husayn dies in the battle at Kerbala, causing a rift between Sunni and Shi'i Muslims.
  • Roman splits

    He died, the Roman Emperor Theodesius splits the Roman Empire between his two sons: one to rule from Rome, and one to rule from Constantinople.
  • Egypt as Governor

    Ahmad Ibn Tulun is sent to Egypt as governor, he builds the city of al-Qatta'i.