Fall of rome 1

The Fall of Rome

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius as leader

    Marcus Aurelius as leader
    Marcus Aurelius was the last of the five " Good Emporers " being Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius himself. Marcus was an active leader and went out and faught with his army to help like a good leader. He also made his army bigger. Aurelius ruled for 19 years, from 161 C.E - 180 C.E. After his days of being the leader his sone became leader.
  • 324

    Constantine took over as emporer

    Constantine took over as emporer
    In 324 C.E Constantine took over as emporer. Constantine united the East and West of Rome with his own power under his own rule. Constantine built a new capital at Byzantium on the Bosporus and made this city named Constantinople. Constantine wanted this city to be a Christian city not a pagan one. After his death in 337 C.E, the empire was back to the way it was before and was devided from the East abd West.
  • 476

    Romes finish to the fall

    Romes finish to the fall
    The final finish to Rome didn't have an official date to it . Many historians believe it was in 476 C.E thought. A German Chief named Odoacer captured Rome and proclaimed himself king, and Rome was then overthrown.
  • The Empire

    The Empire
    The Empire was not always peacefull, enemies like Cleopatra and Boudicca revealed the Roman steel that lay behind its civilization. The empire was a big achievment. It was a huge marketplace in which citizens could trade and travel. That helped the spread of foreign religions like Judaism and early Chrisitanity for just from itself. By the end of the first century (CE) Rome was even ruled by a Spainard, Trajan. He was 1 of the many foreign emporers.
  • Augustus Caesar as leader

    Augustus Caesar as leader
    Agustus Caesar brought peace to the Roman Empire years after the Civil War, this was also known as " Pax Romana ". Augustus expanded the Roman Empire. As the good leader he was, he improved roads, bridges, and aqueducts. He also improved the economy. He formed the second Triumvirate and emerged as the first Roman emporer. Augustus Caesar was a great leader of Rome throughout his years of ruling; 27 BE - 14 CE.
  • Nero's bad actions

    Nero's bad actions
    On midnight of July 18th, Nero set fire to Rome. Rome was set on fire for 6 whole days. Nero strongley disliked the Chrsitians, so his plan was to set fire to Rome and blame it on all of the Christians. The Christians were then blamed and Nero's plan had success.
  • The Rise of Christianity

    The Rise of Christianity
    The first century also saw a new religion. He was exicuted by Rome at an early age, Jesus would have a big impact on the Roman Empire. After his death his messagge of eternal life abd hope was spread across the empire by missionaries. The Christians refused to die and qonquered Rome themsself. After 300 years of persecution to the christian people, in 313 CE, Emperor Constantine ruled that Christianity was legal and that Christians would no longer be persecuted for their Christianity belief.
  • Commodus

    Commodus was Aurelius's son, who was a great leader. Commodus, was not such as good as a leader his father was. When Commodus started ruling thats when the Fall of Rome started. Commodus always put entertainment such as chariot races and gladiator battles before the government. Commodus let other people help run the government. When the government went short of money he ordered death of wealthy citizens. He was finally assassinated on December 31st of 192 C.E, he lead for 12 years;180 - 192 C.E.
  • 50 Years of Decline

    50 Years of Decline
    The 50 years of decline started under Commodus. Many problems acured that led the Fall of Rome. Rome had corrupt leaders/rulers and mercanary armies ( weak size of the empire ). Rome also had serious economic problems.
  • Diocletian making an improvement

    Diocletian making an improvement
    Diocletian started ruling in 284 C.E and gave up his power in 305 C.E, he really wanted to improve Rome and stop the decline. He made a co-emporer ( Maximian ). Diocletian devided Rome into two parts, the East and the West. He ruled the Eastern part because it was wealthier and had Maximian rule the Western half which wasn't that wealthy. Diocletian made the army bigger, two times bigger! He took one step at a time to stop the decline.