The Egyptians

  • The End

    The end of the middle kingdom was signaled by the invasion and takeover of Egypt by the Hyksos, ending the egyptian civilization inevitably.
  • Pharaohs fight back

    Strong Pharaohs regain control, marking the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. They improved trade and transportation, as well as improved irrigation systems and created more farmland.
  • A Loss of Power

    During this time, the power of the Pharaohs declined, marking the end of the Old Kingdom.
  • The Old Kingdom

    During this period known as the Old Kingdom, the original Egyptian civilization style became more widepsread.
  • A unified Egypt

    Two main Egyptian districts, Lower and upper Egypt, ruled by two different kingdoms, were eventually united as one. Conflitcting evidence makes it unclear who was responsible for this unification, some evidence says a man named Scorpion. More solid evidence supports a man by the name of Narmer.
  • The Establishment

    During this period, the pattern of Egypts Great Civilization was created.
  • The Roots

    Egyptians Existed as far back as 5000 BC in small farming vilages.