The Decline and Fall of Rome

  • 200

    200s AD

    Rome's economy slowly began to fall
  • 235

    235 AD

    235 AD
    The last Severan ruler passed and Rome's government became weak.
  • 284

    284 AD

    284 AD
    Diocletian became emperor and introduced reforms. He divided the empire into 4 parts.
  • 300

    Late 300s

    Late 300s
    The Huns defeated the Ostrogoths.
  • 312

    312 AD

    312 AD
    Constantine became emperor.
  • 337

    337 AD

    337 AD
    Constantine died and Theodosius took over.
  • 378

    378 AD

    378 AD
    Visigoths defeated Roman legions at the Battle of Adrianople.
  • 395

    395 AD

    395 AD
    The Roman Empire split into 2 separate empires, the Western & Eastern Empires.
  • 406

    406 AD

    406 AD
    The Rhine River froze and Germanic groups crossed the river and invaded Gaul, commonly known as France.
  • 410

    410 AD

    410 AD
    Visigoth captured Rome itself.
  • 445

    455 AD

    455 AD
    Vandals entered Rome
  • 476

    476 AD

    476 AD
    Germanic general, Odoacer, took control.
  • 550

    550 AD

    550 AD
    The Western Roman Empire faded away.