
The Clash of Germany and Rome

By furby
  • Jan 30, 1046

    The Early Roman Empire

    The Early Roman Empire
    The reign of Emperor Henry III; represented the hight of imperial power
  • Jan 30, 1056

    The Early Roman Empire

    The Early Roman Empire
    The reign of Emperor Henry III; represented the hight of imperial power
  • Jan 30, 1056

    Stuggles between the Papacy and European Rulers

    Stuggles between the Papacy and European Rulers
    Henry' III's death
  • Jan 30, 1077

    Impererial Submission

    Impererial Submission
    Henry traveled to meet the pope
  • Jan 31, 1122

    Imperial Submissions

    Imperial Submissions
    Representatives of both sides met in the German City of Worms to settle the conflict
  • Jan 31, 1122

    Imperial Submission

    Imperial Submission
    The conflict between popes and emperors
  • Jan 31, 1152

    Frederick Barbarossa

    Frederick Barbarossa
    Frederick I, also known as Frederick Barbarossa (Frederick of the Red Beard), Ruled Germany
  • Jan 31, 1176

    Frederick Barbarossa

    Frederick Barbarossa
    The Lombard League they raised a powerful army that defeated Federick
  • Jan 31, 1190

    Frederick Barbarossa

    Frederick Barbarossa
    Frederick I, also known as Frederick Barbarossa (Frederick of the Red Beard), Ruled Germany
  • Jan 31, 1198

    Innocent III

    Innocent III
    The strongest of the medieval popes-- Innocent III-- greatly strengthed the church and increased its worldly power
  • Jan 31, 1216

    Innocent III

    Innocent III
    The strongest of the medieval popes-- Innocent III-- greatly strengthed the church and increased its worldly power
  • Jan 31, 1216

    Innocent III

    Innocent III
    Papal power slowly declined after Innocent's death
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    After Charlemagne died it caused Italy to fall into a state of disorder
  • The Holy Roman Empire

    The Holy Roman Empire
    The Bazyintne Empire held parts of Italy
  • The Holy Roman Empire

    The Holy Roman Empire
    Germany the great feudal lords elected Otto I their king
  • The Holy Roman Empire

    The Holy Roman Empire
    Otto moved to seize territory in northern Italy
  • The Early Roman Empire

    The Early Roman Empire
    The pope rewarded Otto's support by crowning him Emperor of the Romans