Panama canal

The Building Of The Panamal Canal

  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Congress forced Cuba to add Platt ammendment to their new constitution. The Platt ammendment limited Cuba's power to create treaties or borrow any money.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    U.S. gunboats waited in the harbor to provide support for the rebels. U.S. marines went to colon to prevent hostile for the columbian troops. The U.S. immediantly recognozied the independent Republicans of Panama. Roosevelt knew that many Panamians disliked the Columbian rule.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Frenchman acting for Panama signed a treaty giving the U.S. permenant control over the 10 mile wide zone called "Panama." The United States agreed to pay $10 million, plus $250,000 a year in rent.
    They signed the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Panama Canal VideoThe Panama CanalRoosevelt's role in the revolt shocked alot of Americans about the "gunboat". They started building it in 1904 and the canal was finished in 1914. The US started buildingcanal across Panama.
  • the Locks

    the Locks
    Panama Canal VideoThe locks system that lifts a ship up 85 ft to the main elevation of the Panama canal. Workers worked very hard by erecting the canals giant locks. The size of the locks limited the weight of the ships that were going to the canal.
  • Panama and the illness

    Panama and the illness
    William C. Gorgas took up the problem of the diseases. Ronald Ross found a certain kind of mosquito carried malaria. Gorgas and his workers cleared brush and drained all swamps where mosquitos live.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    Was when the canal finally finished. This canal changed America, and the Panama Canal is still here. The Panama Canal is still alive and well and still has a huge impact on this world.
  • Summary and Reflection

    Summary and Reflection
    Since the first ship passed through in April of 1914, the Panama Canal has been at the center of global trade. Today, the Panama Canal is still a roaring thoroughfare. Their Panama Canal Treaty, which went into effect in 1979, granted full control of the canal to Panama after a transition period of 20 years.