The Beginning of Nation-States Randolph

  • 1215

    King John Signs the Magna Carta

    King John Signs the Magna Carta
    King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta (great charter) and it did 2 important things. 1) forced monarchs to obey the laws and 2) gave nobles rights, that were later extended to all free-men
  • 1216

    King John of England loses his crown jewels.

    King John of England loses his crown jewels.
    King John of England loses his crown jewels in The Wash. The wash is a square bay at north-west corner of East Anglia.
  • 1217

    The French Prince Louis and the English king King Henry iii both sign a peace treaty

    The French Prince Louis and the English king King Henry iii both sign a peace treaty. The treaty of Lambeth was signed on September 12.
  • 1219

    A flood killed thousands in the Northern Netherlands.

    A flood killed thousands in the Northern Netherlands.
    On January 16, 1219 a vicious flood killed thousands of people in the Northern Netherlands.
  • 1220

    Sweden is defeated by Estonian tribes

    Sweden is defeated by Estonian tribes
    In 1220 Sweden was defeated by the Estonian tribes in the Battle of Lihula.