David   the death of socrates

The age of reason

  • Jan 1, 1440

    the creation of the printing press

    the creation of the printing press
    the Creation of the primnting press allowed poeple to start mass producing the bible yet it was not yet transcribed into common language
  • Period: Jan 1, 1466 to Jan 1, 1536

    Refremation of the church

    After the mass production of the bible people starte dquestioning the corruption within the church starting a reformation movement including Martin Luther and John calvin splitting into new sections of christianty, Martin Luther with protestants and John calvin with the purritans
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther and his 95 thesus

    Martin Luther and his 95 thesus
    The age of Reason began with Martin Luther as he was the first to speak about his complaints towards the church amd made the 95 thesus descrrbibng how it should be reformed in common language, becaseu at this time the bible was written in latin which few could decypher
  • Jan 22, 1561

    Lord Francis Bacon

    Lord Francis Bacon
    Lod Bacon was very influental beacause he held a position of power and was one of the founders of Modern western Philosophy
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    With his discovery of heliocentrism people start moving away from the church more so than ever because of tthere doubts of the truths they were speaking of
  • Pierre Gasendi

    Pierre Gasendi
    Pierre Gassendi set out to do what was never done before, finding a way betwenn skeptisism and dogism wich is a way between reason and belief with the church, he did this with the publish of the book Exercitationes, and ev3en though it was already common knowledge he saught out in this book to combine it with the church so the reaon which was already
  • Descartes, and the introduction of modern philosophy

    Descartes, and the introduction of modern philosophy
    With the introduction of modern philosophy it told man that one could become a better person through the persue of knoweledge and reason
  • Baruch Spinoza

    Baruch Spinoza
    Baruch Spinoza related everything to nature and geomotry, providing another look on reason and why things were due to nature not god
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    His ideas of Liberalism, which focussed alot on civil rights , free voting, freedom of religion and freedom of press provided a new way of politics that inspired alot of people due to the lack of freedom
  • Nicholas Melebranche

    Nicholas Melebranche
    His philosphy focused on the human eror which was signifigant to in this time period because it focused on why there was human eror and once you figure out the human eror you can fix it. This Required that the human now did not need to go to the church to become a good person
  • Sir Issac Newton

    Sir Issac Newton
    With his publishing of Principia he descibes the three universal laws of motion, this discovery is reinforcing the idea that through reason and knowledge that one may become a better person
  • Mary Astell

    Mary Astell
    "If all men are born free, how is it that all woman are born slaves" This woman was the really the first womans advocate for equall rights and this inspired woman to strive for there rights wich has never been seen in histoy before, and the reinforcement of philosophes of her time gave her leverage