The Age of Reason

By Davidc
  • Jan 1, 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Created by Johannes Gutnburg the printing press allowed for the bible to be written in the peoples native languages which cause an uprising of the middle class
  • Isaac Newton.

    Isaac Newton.
    Isaac Newton believed that God created the univurse but let it run on its own laws. this created a new type of religeon called Deism which just made Christ a moral figure, which made people more secular.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Locke was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. He was known for his very popular "Father of Classical Liberalism"
  • The Encyclopedia

    The Encyclopedia
    The first encyclopedia was written around 77 AD but the modern version was born form the 17th century edition. It was a collection of knowledge that everyone had acess too allowing for the people to become smarter and make a rise in the middle class
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American revolution was a result of the American people rising up against the english to end the the kings tyranny. There were many influential people who drove it forward such as Thomas Payne Thomas Jefferson and Jhon Locke
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam smith writes "The Wealth of Nations" which is considered the first modern works of economics.
  • Thomas Payne

    Thomas Payne
    Thomas payne wrote the book "common sense wich led the American people to want revolution againts the English.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    the Declaration of ndependance was written by Jefferson, but was inspired by John Lockes work
  • Voltaire

    Voltaire was a very famous French Elightenment writer. He was popular for his writings about civil liberties such as religeous freedoms and freedom of expression which were all largely discussed topics of the time.
  • Jacques Louis-David

    Jacques Louis-David
    Louis-David was a French artist who did Neo-Classsical paintings that were secular such as "Oath of The Horatii" (1784) "Death of Socrates" (1787) and "The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons" (1789)
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism of French expression. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological and educational thought.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution much like the American was the people rising up against the king for equal rights. napolean Bonaparte was a key leader for the the people during the war.