
The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, France.
  • The Start of the French Revolution

    The Start of the French Revolution
    The French Revolution began in May of 1789 as a result of harsh economic conditions and unfair treatment. People were caused to revolt because of the absolute monarchy and the estate system. They were unable to vote and voice their opinions. The king was spending too much of the people's money and they didnt like how if was affecting them. They felt that they were being mistreated and wanted a say in how their society was run.
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    The Battle of Toulon

    The Battle, or seige of Toulon was a republican victory over a royal rebellion that lasted for about four months. Napoleon gained his military reputation by forcing the Spanish fleet of ships out of Toulon. The battle began when the naval base demanded that the French recapture Toulon. The result was revolutionary troops taking posession of the city and Napoleon being promoted to the position of general brigadier.
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    The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror that took place over the span of a little less than a year was a period of violence that occured after the onset of the French Revolution. The intent was to act harshly towards anyone that was an enemy of the Revolution. This period of time was encouraged by two rival political parties, the Jackobins and the Girondins.
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    Egypitan Campaign

    This campaign took place over a span of about a year in Egypt and Syria. Napoloen wanted to disrupt British trade to India and establish control over their countries. To do this, he escaped from his fleet and arrived with 35,000 soldiers in Egypt. The result of this was a failed attack that took the lives of many soldiers and caused Napoleon to have to secretly leave Egypt.
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    18 Brumaire Coup
    In 1799, the sudden sieze of power that overthrew the sysem of government in France is seen as one of the effective ends to the French Revolution. After Napoleon arrived back in France from the Egyptian campaign he made this plan to overthrow the government and gave a speech to a gathered group of councils. Whith great triumph, he was able to settle into Luxembourg palace.
  • First Consul for Life

    First Consul for Life
    On August 2, 1802, Napoleon named himself consul for life at 30 years pf age on behalf of the results of the plebiscite. He was declared consul after a direct vote of everyone in the country. People believed that he should be given the position because of the way he has benefitted France.
  • Creation of the Napoleonic Code

    Creation of the Napoleonic Code
    Once Napoleon was named emperor, he created a new system of laws for France called the Napoleonic Code. The code allowed privilages based on birth and freedom of religion. The code also stated that all available government jobs would go to only those who were worthy. The Napoleonic Code was the first modern legal code to be adopted by most European countries and strongly influenced systems of law created in other countries after the Napoleonic wars.
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon's Coronation
    The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of France took place at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. This event is said to have declared the existance of a modern empire. Under this title, Napoleon was able to establish the French empire and a new system of French laws and codes.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar that occured in October of 1805 was a naval battle between the Royal Navy and the French and Spanish navies. This was one of the many events thaking place at the same time of the Napoleonic wars. The British were able to devestate the other fleets and destroy nineteen enemy ships. This battle ensured that Napoleon would never try to invade Britain.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon began the Battle of Austerlitz due to threats comming from Russia and Austria. His plan was to invade England but was stopped by an Austrian general who concentrated his troops at the enterance to the city. Napoleon's victory of this battle effectively ended the War of the Third Coalition. As a result, he abolished the Holy Roman Empire and established the Confederation.
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    Continental System

    The Continental System was the policy Napoleon wrote in regards to his struggle against Grean Britian during the Napoloenic Wars. It was intended to stop Great Britian by destruction of their commerce. The system hurt English industries and started the unemployment movement in England. It also damaged regions that were dependent on overseas commerce.
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    Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War was the part of the Napoleonic Wars fought in the Iberian Peninsula. The French were opposed by British, Spanish, and Portuguese forces. This war contributed to Napoleon's eventual decrease in power. Since Napoleon had a pact with Russia, he was able to focus all his attention on defeating Britian, Russia, and Portugal. The Peninsular War decreased France's resources drastically, including their soldiers.
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    Invasion of Russia

    In June of 1812, Napoleon and his troops first entered Russia to get back at their Emperor for imposing a heavy tax on French luxury products. Napoleon's only intention was to win a quick battle in order to convince the emperor of Russia to negotiate. The fight ended when Napoleon decided to leave and go to Paris because of coup attempt roumors.
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    About one month after Napoleon's invading and burning of Moscow, the French army is forced to journey out of the city. As the French army retreated deeper into Russia, they torched everything in their path under the scorched earth policy. Russia's population fled because of the damage the French did to their land, but Napoleon was forced to move his troops out of Moscow because of the harsh winter.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweeden fought against napoleon's French army in the Battle of Leizpig. This was one of the most severe of the Napoleonic Wars because it marked the end of the French Empire.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    After his defeat at Leipzig, Napoleon was exiled to the Mediterranean island if Elba and was forced to abandon the throne. The victors of the Battle of Leipzig banned Napoleon as part of their defeat. Once he had been exiled, descendants of King Louis XVI took the position of power. Although he was exiled, Napoleon eventually escaped Elba and returned to France. This caused King Louis XVIII to flee the city.
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    Hundred Days

    When Napoleon escaped his exile and returned back to France, he managed to regain power for one hundred days. He wanted to restore stability and order in Europe, which he considered un-doing the French Revolution. He was able to be successful by balancing power and protecting the monarchy. This helped prevent any war for 100 years.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was fought in Belgium in June of 1815. Napoleon wanted to fight to try and defeat his enemies before they could defeat him and unite. It marked the final defeat of Napoloen, who was the French military leader and Emperor at the time. The defeat and surrender of the French by Britian and Prussia was considered the end of the 100 days, but also the end to over twenty years of war.
  • Exile to St. Helena

    Exile to St. Helena
    Since Napoleon was able to escape from hos previous exile and even regain power, he was exiled to St. Helena instead after his most recent defeat. At this time the British Royalty Navy controlled the Atlantic, making an escape from the island almost impossible. To make conditions worse, all belongings were taken from him and he was put in a small lonely house that was also under armed guard.
  • Napoleon's Death

    Napoleon's Death
    Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821 in St. Helena. This was due to the poor living conditions he was provided with. Some also believe he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. French soldiers had plans to rescue Napoleon from the island and wanted to ressurect his empire. Unfortunately, their plans eventually fell through.