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The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon is Born

    Napoleon Bonaparte is born on the French island of Corsica in the Mediterranean, south of France.
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Start of the French Revolution
    On this day, the Storming of the Bastille occured. The people of France got through the gates of the Bastille, a prison in France, to get ahold of weapons. This was the first event of the French Revolution.
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    The Reign of Terror

    A time during the French Revolution, when anyone who was thought to go against the revolution, were killed, led by Robespierre. Many French citizens were in terror, even innocent people were killed.
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    Battle of Toulon

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    Egyptian Campaign

    Napoleon wanted conrtol of the Eastern Mediterranean, and he wanted to end trade routes between Britain and India. Napoleon and his armies fought in Egypt, and had failed. To keep the news of this failure away from France, he censored the press and had spies to make sure nobody would hear of it.
  • 18 Brumaire coup

    18 Brumaire coup
    Napoleon overthrew the five-man directory.
  • First Consul for Life plebiscite (vote)

    First Consul for Life plebiscite (vote)
    Napoleon is named First Consul for life.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon created a code of laws, the Napoleonic Code. While this gave people some more rights, it took away some rights also, especially from women who had just gained rights. It also gave men the rights to have more power over women and children in the household.
  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon's Coronation
    At Napoleon's Coronation, he didn't want to be crowned a king, he wanted to be crowned an Emperor. For an Emperor would be remember and would make history, but kings "came and went". Napoleon wanted his ceremony to be extravagent and different. Napoleon also placed the crown on his own head instead of the Pope placing it on his head, showing the Napoleon had all power.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    A naval battle of France and Spain against Britain. Britain was victorious, and didn't lose a single ship, while France and Spain lost thirty three ships all together.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon and his French army defeated the Austrian Empire, in one of Napoleon's greatest victories at the Battle of Austerlitz. It ended the Third Coalition and the Holy Roman Empire. It also caused the Austrian empire to sign a treaty.
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    Continental System

    Napoleon ended trading between Britain and Europe, instead of an invasion, to cause a dramatic effect on Britain's economy. This stopped British goods from traveling to Europe, causing the prices of goods to raise.
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    Peninsular War

    A war between France and Spain, United Kingdom, and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula. Napoleon was defeated, and Spain was one of the first to use Geurilla warfare.
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon invaded Russia because the Emperor or Russia Alexander I, he wanted him to remain in the blockade with the United Kingdom. Also, he wanted to remove the threat of Russian invasion to Poland. Since Russia had extremely cold weather conditions, Napoleon lost much of his army due to the lack of food and because of the weather conditions, not from fighting. The invasion was a failure.
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    Napoleon retreats from a failed mission in Moscow, due to severe weather conditions and the loss of many of his men. They also lost horses, making them walk by foot, and could not carry their weapons, forcing them to leave them behind. His army lost much of what they had before.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleons army fought against the armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, where Napoleon lost and was forced to return quickly back to France.
  • Exile to St. Helena Island

    Exile to St. Helena Island
    After his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was sent to prison then sent to exile to the island of St. Helena. Many people made plans to rescue him, which these plans had failed.
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    Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days is known as the amount of time Napoleon spent in exile in Elba before returning back to France.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    After Napoleon returned from Exile, he came back into power and fought at the Battle of Waterloo, with France against other European powers. He hoped to "destory" the forces who were thought to invade France. Napoleon was defeated in this battle, and he also ended his rule as Emperor of the French.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Since Napoleon started to have many failed battles especially from the Battle of Leipzig, he was forced to exile in Elba, an island near Tuscany, Italy.
  • Death

    Napoleon died at St. Helena Island, while there are no official reports of the cause of his death, it is believed he died of stomach cancer.