The Age of Exploration: A Brief History

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers America

    Christopher Columbus Discovers America
    Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas. He becomes the first European to discover the Americas.
  • Mar 4, 1493

    Columbus returns to the Americas

    Columbus returns to the Americas
    On his second voyage, Columbus returns to the Americas with 17 ships, a few hundred soldiers, and 1,000+ settlers
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Atlantic Slave Trade Begins

    Atlantic Slave Trade Begins
    Bringing slaves to the Americas from Africa for labor was established. The African Slave Trade also promised huge enterprise.
  • Apr 22, 1500

    Pedro Àlvares Cabral Discovers Modern-Day Brazil

    Pedro Àlvares Cabral Discovers Modern-Day Brazil
  • Feb 1, 1519

    Conquistador Hernando Cortès Discovers Mexico

    Conquistador Hernando Cortès Discovers Mexico
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Hernando Cortès Conquers the Aztec Empire

    Hernando Cortès Conquers the Aztec Empire
    After many years of warring, and with the help of local natives who resented the Aztecs, superior weaponry, and disease the Europeans spread to the natives, Cortès was finally able to conquer the Aztec Empire.
  • May 26, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan's Men are the First to Successfully Circumnavigate the World

    Ferdinand Magellan's Men are the First to Successfully Circumnavigate the World
    Funded by the King of Spain, Magellan's men cirumnavigated the world in three years, although Magellan himself died in a local war in the Philippines.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazzano Discovers Present-day New York Harbor

    Giovanni da Verrazzano Discovers Present-day New York Harbor
    Giovonni, serving for France, was actually looking for a sea route to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Conquistador Fransisco Pizarro Conquers the Inca Empire

    Conquistador Fransisco Pizarro Conquers the Inca Empire
    After capturing the Empire's ruler, Atahualpa, the Spanish murdered him, although they were offered "two rooms of silver and one of gold" for their king by the Incas. The murder of their king sent the Inca empire into turmoil.
  • Feb 23, 1540

    Francisco Vásquez de Coronado Leads Expeditions in the North

    Francisco Vásquez de Coronado Leads Expeditions in the North
    Coronado's expedition led through present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    The Encomienda System is Abolished

    The Encomienda System is Abolished
    The Encomienda, forced labor of the natives in the Americas, was abolished with the help of Christian missionaries from Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Jacques Cartier Discovers Canada

    Jacques Cartier Discovers Canada
    Cartier landed on the east coast of Canada and also discovered a river, which he named it "St. Lawrence". After following the river, he discovered a large island and named it "Mont Royal", which is now present-day Montreal.
  • The English Settle in Jamestown, Virginia

    The English Settle in Jamestown, Virginia
    Fired by the Spanish and French, the King James ordered London investors to create a colony in the Americas.
  • Samuel de Champlain Discovers Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain Discovers Quebec
    Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence river and discovered land that he named, "Quebec". However, the land was also known as "New France" because it became the base of France's across-seas empire.
  • Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson River, Strait and Bay

    Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson River, Strait and Bay
    Henry Hudson, in service of the Netherlands, discovered many waterways around present-day New York. In 1621, the Dutch began colonizing in the Americas. Their holdings in North America became known as New Netherland.
  • The English Form a Second Colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts

    The English Form a Second Colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts
  • Englishman Duke of York Drives Out the Dutch

    Englishman Duke of York Drives Out the Dutch
    With permission from the English king Charles II, the Duke of York claimed New Amsterdam for England and renamed it "New York"
  • Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette Explore the Mississippi and Great Lakes

    Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette Explore the Mississippi and Great Lakes
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    As the English and French expanded their colonies in North America, the colonies began to interfere with eachother. The countries disputed over land claims in the Ohio Valley, which caused war. Finally, the British overcame the French in 1763 and forced them to give up most of their land holdings in North America.