texas revolution

  • battle of san antonio

    ben milam was waiting on war while asking who will go to san antonio with old man milam?
  • siege of san antonio

    ready for battle,the texans decided to continue on to drive the mexican soldiers out of san antonio
  • battle of gonzales

    fitst battle of the texas reveloution.it was the firat time texans were willing to use milatary force.
  • consultation

    the delegates decide what action the texans should take
  • battle of the alamo

    edward burleson turned over command of the forcesto francis johnson
  • consitutional convention of 1836

    this was the 2nd meeting of the consultation
  • battle of coleto

    urrea was close, fannin couldnt go to san antonio
  • runaway scrape

    the families living in gonzales panicked when they learned santa annas advice
  • goliad massacre

    texans marched back to goliad and were held there
  • battle of san jacinto

    caught in an unprepared attack the mexican leaders scrambled in confusion