
Texas Expansion

  • Period: to

    Texas Expansion

  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    Began a period where trade opportunities between Mexico and the United States expanded, especially in the northern sections of Mexican territory (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California).
  • Mexico has trouble protecting northern provinces

    Mexico has trouble protecting northern provinces
    Mexico soon realized that protecting a large area of land was not very easy. Horse thieves and Indian raiding parties caused problems in the northern provinces.
  • Mexico offers land grants to American settlers

    Mexico offers land grants to American settlers
    In order to help protect the northern provinces from Indians and thieves, the Mexican government offered land grants to empresarios to distribute to settlers. The settlers were able to get cheap land in return for pledging to obet Mexican laws and convert to Catholicism.
  • Stephen F. Austin establishes an American colony- "Old 300"

    Stephen F. Austin establishes an American colony- "Old 300"
    Stephen F. Austin was an empresario who offered cheap land to American settlers. He required that "no drunkard, no gambler, no profane swearer, and no idler" could be a member of this small community. This original group of settlers is known as the "Old 300".
  • Mexico seals its borders

    The surge of white settlers caused problems with the Mexican government. Finally the Mexican's sealed the border and placed taxes on imported American goods. The influx of settlers didn't stop though because the Mexicans didn't have sufficient troops to patrol the northern borders.
  • Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna suspends the Mexican constitution

    Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna suspends the Mexican constitution
    Santa Anna takes power and in a show of strength, imprisons Austin on charges that he is inciting a rebellion because he was fighting for equal treatment for the white settlers of Texas. Austin's arrest along with harsh treatment of the northern provinces caused the settlers of Texas to rise up in rebellion.
  • Texas Revolution begins

    Texas Revolution begins
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    The Alamo was a Spanish missionary located in San Antonio that was initially occupied by Mexican troops. A small Texan militia took the Alamo from the Mexican troops. However, as a way to try to crush the rebellion in Texas, Santa Anna marched his Army to the Alamo and killed every person who defended it. The small garrison was able to defend the Alamo for 12 days against the strength of the Mexican army. Jim Bowie and Davey Crockett were among the defenders that died in the Alamo.
  • Texas declares independence

    Texas declares independence
  • Sam Houston defeats Sant Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto

    Sam Houston defeats Sant Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto
    This was the final battle of the Texas Revolution. Sam Houston and his force were able to kill 650 Mexican soldiers in 15 minutes and capture Santa Anna. The Texans used the rallying cry of "Remember the Alamo" as motivation to defeat the Mexicans. The Treaty of Velasco was signed to end the revolution and establish the Republic of Texas.
  • Sam Houston becomes the president of the Republic of Texas

    Sam Houston becomes the president of the Republic of Texas
    As the victorious leader of the revolutionary army, Sam Houston is selected as the first president of the Republic of Texas.
  • Houston asks U.S. to annex Texas

    After forming the republic, the government of Texas created a constitution that resembled the US constitution. Due to its large population of white, Americanm settlers, Houston asks the US government to annex, or takeover, Texas. However, the idea of annexation was met with issues in the US Senate because of the imbalance it would have created between free and slave states.
  • Texas becomes the 28th state

    Texas becomes the 28th state
    In 1844, James K. Polk, a slave owner, was elected president and he strongly favored annexation of Texas because it already had an established slave system.