Test 1 and 2 - 3000 BCE to 200 BCE - Elizabeth Rosa (Western Civilization)

  • 3000 BCE

    Emergence of Mesopotamia

    Emergence of Mesopotamia
    Mesopotamia was a very important civilization because it was basically the first sophisticated civilization. Mesopotamia created many things that would prove to be important and influential for civilizations. Some of these would include the creation of bureaucracy, the discovery of farming, and a written language, Cuniforem. Furthermore, the Mesopotamians were the first astronomers and even created mathematical equations.
  • 3000 BCE

    Start of the Bronze Age

    Start of the Bronze Age
    The Bronze Age was centered around the creation of bronze. With this invention, civilizations were able to craft stronger, better weapons. Bronze weapons gave armies the upper hand in battles since it was the strongest metal at the time. Although not as impactful, bronze was also used for tools that made farming easier and more efficient.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 200 BCE

    3000 BCE - 200 BCE

  • 2680 BCE

    The Old Kingdom of Egypt

    The Old Kingdom of Egypt
    The Old Kingdom of Egypt emerged after the people discovered the use and prosperity of the Nile River. With the Nile, the Egyptians were able to grown crops and create a society. Some very important inventions and innovations came from the Old Kingdom. They developed a method of keeping records and had scribes who were skilled in writing hieroglyphics.
  • 1900 BCE

    Beginning of the Hebrews

    Beginning of the Hebrews
    In the Hebrew Bible, a man named Abraham leads the Hebrews away from Mesopotamia in 1900 BCE. They became wandering herders. They were important because they introduced the idea that there is only one god. They "received" the 10 Commandments from god. And, they influenced other religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  • 1700 BCE

    The Hittite Empire

    The Hittite Empire
    The Hittite Empire was important because they conquered lots of civilizations, but they did something different than other empires. Instead of making the people they conquered change customs, they allowed them to keep their traditions and practices. And, as they conquered new places, the Hittite empire took a part of their culture with them. I think this is interesting because they accepted other traditions and used them too.
  • 1500 BCE

    The New Kingdom of Egypt

    The New Kingdom of Egypt
    The New Kingdom of Egypt was a shift in the ways of the old kings of Egypt to the new pharoahs. I think one of the most influential and interesting things about the New Kingdom is the way they offered services for other empires. For instance, other countries would send their princes to Egypt to learn their ways. And, then when they got older, they ruled their own country like an Egyptian.
  • 1100 BCE

    The Iron Age Begins

    The Iron Age Begins
    Just like with the Bronze Age, the Iron Age proved to be just as, if not more, influential. Although iron didn't gain popularity quickly due to it's difficulty to craft, it still proved to be important. It helped to create better, stronger weapons. The creation of iron also helped create and strengthen civilizations.
  • 880 BCE

    The Reign of the Assyrians

    The Reign of the Assyrians
    The Assyrians were a civilization that emerged from the Iron Age. Although their reign was relatively short-lived, they made a big impact. The Assyrians were very war-driven and conquered lots of empires during their rule. They also had many useful inventions like saddles, stirrups, and breeding horses.
  • 650 BCE

    Lydians Discoveries

    Lydians Discoveries
    Another important empire from the Iron Age were the Lydians in western Anatolia. The Lydians had control of large amounts of gold. And, in about 650 BCE, they started weighing lumps of gold and silver. Then, they began stamping lumps to create the first coins. I think this is important because it shows how these civilizations keep advancing closer and closer to where we are today.
  • 600 BCE

    The Phoenicians

    The Phoenicians
    Yet another important empire from the Iron Age was the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were not very warlike and were better known for their trading routes and systems. I think they were important because they relied heavily on trade and relations with other civilizations. It shows how early states of globalization and trade looked like and how it has changed since then.