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Terrorism in Russia and the Chechen Wars

  • Chechen Declaration of Independence

    Chechen Declaration of Independence
    Militants of the All National Congress of the Chechen People, a party created by former Soviet Air Force general Dzhokhar Dudayev, attacked a meeting of the Soviet governing council of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, a Soviet republic. Aiming to declare independence, the attack lead to the dissolving of the republic's government. With Dudayev's party gaining control, he and Russian president Boris Yeltsin would argue and insult each other, which increased hostility between their respective nations.
  • Second Chechen War

    Second Chechen War
    Following the War of Dagestan, in which a Chechen Islamist group invaded Dagestan, and the Russian Apartment Bombings, for which Chechen terrorists were blamed, Russian president Vladimir Putin launched another invasion of Chechnya. The war ended in Russian victory, as Chechen independence was ended and a pro-Russian government was established. While support for the war was partially gained from the fear of Chechen terrorism, more attacks in Russia were orchestrated in response to this war.
  • Apartment Bombings in Russia

    Apartment Bombings in Russia
    The bombings were a series of explosions that went off in apartment buildings in the Russian cities of Moscow, Volgodonsk, and Buynaksk. 293 people were killed, while more than 1,000 were injured. The bombings gave Vladimir Putin, Boris Yeltsin's successor as the President of Russia, wide support to start another military offensive in Chechnya, as Chechen terrorists were blamed for the attacks. The ensuing widespread fear contributed to the beginning of Russia's final engagement with Chechnya.
  • Moscow Theater Crisis

    Moscow Theater Crisis
    Around 50 armed Chechens seized a theater in Moscow, demanding an official withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya. 850 hostages were taken, and at least 170 people were killed in the 3 day siege. The attackers, who were part of the Islamist separatist movement in Chechnya, demanded an end fo the Second Chechen War. While the siege was quelled after 3 days, the motives behind it clearly stemmed from Russia's involvement in Chechnya, a cause that would fuel even more terrorism in Russia.
  • Beslan School Siege

    Beslan School Siege
    A group of armed Islamic terrorists sent by a Chechen warlord seized a school in Beslan, a town in a republic of Russia. Over 1200 children and adults were taken hostage. Of the 1200, at least 380 hostages were killed, with 186 of them being children. The attackers demanded recognition of the independence of Chechnya, and Russian withdrawal from Chechnya. The siege was ended on its third day after Russian special forces stormed the school. The siege led to major security reforms.