Technology Through The Ages

  • Box T.V.

    Box T.V.
    I had to walk over and pull the on button out to watch tv. Our remote consisted of the channel and volume changer. It truly was the best tv ever.
  • Box T.V. 2.0

    Box T.V. 2.0
    I was able to finally use a remote to turn on my tv from the comfort of my couch.
  • VCR

    What I can put a movie in this box and watch it over and over!!! Ughhh....who didn't rewind this thing!!!!
  • TV with a built in VCR

    TV with a built in VCR
    Now we are getting super fancy here. I can put a VHS inside my T.V. and just switch the input and I can watch the movie I wanted. I loved this idea, I would just put the T.V. in my bedroom and stay up all night during the summer watching Disney movies over and over.
  • The DVD Player!!!

    The DVD Player!!!
    How on earth can they fit this whole movie on this little disc?!? What a marvelous invention. Now we just need to invest tons of money into all these movies that we already own. :( Oh wait if I'm not careful with these they will scratch and skip?!? Oh well at least I don't have to rewind them anymore. I got my first DVD player when I was headed off to college. Also I can combine it with a VCR, double bonus!!!
  • T.V. with a built in DVD

    T.V. with a built in DVD
    Alright the built in VCR was one thing but a built in DVD, amazing! If I didn't want to have to keep moving my VCR/DVD combo from each place I moved. So with my college job money I bought me a combo T.V./DVD/VCR player. I would put off my homework and watch movies in my bed.
  • The BIG BOX tv

    The BIG BOX tv
    Now I never owned this tv myself but my husbands family did. We lived with them for the first 2 years of our marriage so this was the main tv we watched on. This thing was HUGE! I felt like I married into wealth with this tv. :) This was a great tv unless it had a bulb go out on it and then you would lose some coloring on certain spots of the tv.
  • My first flat screen

    My first flat screen
    I kept that tv/dvd/vcr combo for many many years. It got me through college and my single life. It wasn't until I married my husband and we had the money that we were able to buy our first flat screen. How great was the picture on this tv. I couldn't believe that an image could be this clear and the screen could be so flat.
  • Apple T.V.

    Apple T.V.
    My husband found out about this amazing device that you could put all your movies into this little silver box. We transferred and burned all that we could on that device. We put our pictures so that if the tv was on sleep mode it would go through our pictures. What an amazing device this was.
  • The Big Flat Screen

    The Big Flat Screen
    We moved into our new house and I wanted to surprise my husband with a big 55' tv for Christmas. It wasn't easy but he was surprised. We still own this tv and holds so many great memories.
  • Blu-Ray Player

    Blu-Ray Player
    Now I never thought that anything could get better then a DVD player but sure enough they came out with a Blu-Ray player. Once again we had to start investing in the new Blu-Rays but thank goodness those DVD's could still play on them.
  • Smart TV

    Smart TV
    Now our world is revolved around the Smart TV. We rarely use DVD's or BluRays. Everything that we need is on Netflix, VUDU, Hulu, etc... If I'm ever wanted to watch a movie from forever ago I will pull out and dust off the DVD's and Blu Rays.