Technology In My Life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    Here is where my obsession with technology begins. I am born at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. (picture from
  • Hit The Oregon Trail

    Hit The Oregon Trail
    Cherington Elementary School is where I have my first experience with computers: an Apple IIe. Our main task on the device? Playing Oregon Trail, of course. (picture from Wikipedia)
  • Growing Up

    Growing Up
    My first cell phone! What a big deal! I got my Driver's License and with it came Mom and Dad's desire to be able to get ahold of me whenever they wanted. Battery life? Seemed like weeks! (picture from Wikipedia)
  • Bringing It To The Classroom

    Bringing It To The Classroom
    As a middle school teacher I start integrating more and more technology into my classroom. At first, I seem to be the only teacher in the building doing so, but eventually it's catching on with more and more staff members. (picture from
  • To Infinity And Beyond

    To Infinity And Beyond
    I start my Masters Program in Instructional Technology. While not in a middle school classroom anymore I still have the desire to keep adding to my own skills and abilities. I hope to become a lifelong learner. (picture from