Steps to my Government

  • Creating my new home

    This is where I begin the construction of my new country and government.
  • The Struggles

    At first the city will have struggles building with such a small amount of people and a limited number of supplies.
  • No food

    On top of the slow building process, the ground is not in the best condition in order for us to grow food. Thankfully we have water from the nearby river.
  • The Drought

    As expected, there has been a major drought in the first summer. However, we have been prepared but this water is not going to last forever.
  • The Comeback

    After a long and hard first year, we finally have a good basis in our "city". The drought didn't affect us that much, we finally have finished the beginning construction, and the food is starting to grow. I think from now on, things will be pretty good.
  • The results

    After having a long time to begin construction, we have began making allies with other countries. America gave us some useful material for machines and better buildings. I think that we will be able to become one of the great cities one day.