
Steps Leading To The Armenian Genocide

By britth
  • A Turkish Boycott

    A Turkish Boycott
    A Turkish boycott of Armenian businesses is declared and followed through.
  • Spying on Armenians

    Spying on Armenians
    Turkish police and spies provide the names, biographies, and pictures of two thousand leading Armenians.
  • Armenian Stores

    Armenian Stores
    Armenian-owned stores are looted and vandalized. 1,080 shops are burned to the ground.
  • Turning in Weapons

    Turning in Weapons
    The Armenian population is ordered to turn in all weapons including all types of knives.
  • Armenian Leaders Arrested

    Armenian Leaders Arrested
    Armenian notables are called to a meeting and arrested there.
  • More Arrested

    More Arrested
    Leaders of an Armenian nationalist party organization are arrested.
  • Untrue Statements

    Untrue Statements
    Unfounded accusations are launched against the Armenians that they had revolted.
  • Turks Taking Over

    Turks Taking Over
    Armenian churches and school are taken over by the Turks and used as Turkish barracks for their army.
  • Special Organizations

    Special Organizations
    The Special Organization (mobile killing squads) are formed and given weapons such as rifles.
  • Armenians Put To Work

    Armenians Put To Work
    Some Armenians are taken and used as porters of Turkish army supplies. (They were forced to hold heavy baggage in the worst winter conditions).
  • Crosses with Crescents

    Crosses with Crescents
    Turks replace Armenian religious crosses with crescents.
  • Armenian Bakers Beaten

    Armenian Bakers Beaten
    Turks said that Armenian bakers were poisoning bread and feeding it to the Turkish army. These rumors false but they were cruelly beaten anyway.
  • Small Attacks

    Small Attacks
    Turkish officials start to attack Armenians on the streets for no reason. Looting, murder, and rape begin in small amounts.
  • Armenians Out Of Army

    Armenians Out Of Army
    Armenians are deprived of their uniforms and weapons in the army.
  • The Announcement

    The Announcement
    A dispatch from the Central Committee of Turkey is released announcing the decision to exterminate the Armenians.
  • Genocide Is On It's Way

    Genocide Is On It's Way
    Turkish leaders tell the public how Armenians are the enemy and must be destroyed. Armenians are arrested in all villages.
  • Larger Attacks

    Larger Attacks
    The remaining Armenian notables and leaders are arrested and six Armenian soldiers are publicy hung in town.
  • Mass Beatings

    Mass Beatings
    Armenians start to fall victims of mass beatings and tortures.
  • The Last Stage

    The Last Stage
    Deportation of the Armenians begin. They are sent on death marches with the purpose of dieing. Armenians are now being killed everyday in large amounts.
  • Genocide

    55,000 Armenians are already dead. The genocide has offically began.