steam power

  • Thomas Newcome

    Thomas Newcome
    ThomasThomas Newcomen was an English blacksmith, who invented the atmospheric steam engine. He improved on the previous design for the steam engine. The Newcomen steam engine used the force of atmospheric pressure to do the work.
  • The Steam Engine

    The Steam Engine
    steam train Thomas Savory invented a machine fun off of steam that would pump water out of coal mines. The machine had no moving parts. The machine consisted of a simple boiler. This boiler simply heated the water and turned it into steam. the steam then ran into a pipe and rose to the surface where it was released.
  • Viedo Over Steam Train

    Viedo Over Steam Train
    viedo for steam train
    This invention was a cargo train. Used to carry large amounts of cargo further places. The first steam engine to run in america was the Stourbridge Lion. It was used to carry coal.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    james wattJames Watt was born in Greenock on 18 January 1736. Watts first engine was a Newcomes engine that he was given to repair. While he was working on this engine he realized that it was very inefficiant. So he then started working on a way to inprove the old steam engine. he finally found a way to make it more efficiant in 1769. that was when he made his first patent.
  • The Watt Engine

    The Watt Engine
    James Watt James Watts engine was called a double acting engine because the piston went up and down. The machine could move both directions. His engine maximized the power of the machine. It also did not alow for large amounts of steam to be released.
  • Steam Car

    Steam Car
    steam carNicolas Joseph Cugnot built the first steam car. It was built in paris under his supervision. it was used by the french army to haul artillary around. It only had 3 wheels and a top speed of 2 miles an hour.
  • Matthew Boulton

    Matthew Boulton
    Matthew BoultonMatthew Boulton was an owner of engineering works in Birmingham.
    He partnered with watt and began to manufacture steam engine.
    together they became the most important enginering firm in the country. They met all demand with supply they were quick and efficiant with their products.
  • Charlotte Dundas

    Charlotte Dundas
    Charlotte DundasCharlotte Dundas built the first steam tug boat. His boat pulled a 70 ton barge and it only took 6 hours. His boat was powered by a 10 horsepower adapter. This was an addaption of a watt engine linked to a paddle wheel.
  • High Preasure Steam Engine

    High Preasure Steam Engine
    Oliver EvansThe High Preasure Steam Engine was the next big advancement in the engine tecnology. Oliver Eavns was the man who realized that when steam was condinced it formed a vacume that could power an engine. It was used to power a marble cutting saw. It also opperated at 30 revolutions per minute .
  • Richard Trevithick

    Richard Trevithick
    Richard TrevithickRichard Trevithick was the first to use the steam on the railroad. He built a steam locomotive that made a sucsessful run on a horsecar route in wales. This invention became a comercial sucsess. he put a steam carrage on the railway.
  • The Steam Powered Boat

    The Steam Powered Boat
    Steam Boat Robert Fulton invented the first succesful steam powered boat. His invention was unvaled at a boat dock in New York. The name of his first ship was the Clermont. The first trip that the ship made was to Albany. It took 32 hours to make that first voyage. the distance was 150 miles.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    George StephensonGeorge Stephenson built the first steam train in brittan. It was used to haul coal. It could haul 30 tons of coal and going up hill had a totall top speed of 4 miles per hour. He later created the first local railway for steam engines.
  • The Steam Tractor

    The Steam Tractor
    steam tractor This was the first tractor that you could stear the acutall tractor. This tractor had about 8 to 14 horse power. the tractor could go 2 to 3 miles per hour. The tractor had a 500 gallon water tank on to[ of the boiler.
  • Steam Turbine

    Steam Turbine
    parsonsSteam was now powering biger and better things. Steam was now in the form of a turbine. This was invented by Charles A. Parsons. This invention was used to power and propel large ships. It also suplied these ship large ships electricity.
  • steam airplane

    steam airplane
    planeOver the Oakland, Airport the steam from the new plane drifted across the sky. This was no ordenary plane but was a new invention> the steam plane was built by George willams Besler two brothers. It was a silent plane and would speed at a fast rate down the runway.