Steam Engine

  • First Patent

    First Patent
    The first patent by de Ayanz. This machine used steam power to draw water from mines.
  • Newcomen Engine

    Newcomen Engine
    Invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. This engine was the first to use pistons.
  • Watt Steam Engine

    Watt Steam Engine
    The Watt version was much more efficient than its predecessors, and saved much more fuel. James Watt developed this engine from 1763 to 1775.
  • Steam Car

    Steam Car
    Invented by Nicolas Cugnot in 1769. It was a three wheeled vehicle that moved at the speed of a walk, and was meant to haul cannon.
  • First Steam Locomotive

    First Steam Locomotive
    In 1802 the first working steam engine was developed by Richard Trevithick. This model was not commercial.
  • Steam Ship

    Steam Ship
    The first successful steam ship was invented by Robert Fulton. It was named the Clermont.
  • Steam Tractor

    Steam Tractor
    Forelock invented the steam tractor in 1868. Its main use was pulling.