St Irene

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
  • Period: to

    St Irene

  • At the age of 17, St Irene entered the Sister of Saint Joseph religious order founded ny Saint Mary MacKillop, known as the Josephites.

  • Sister Irene recieves her vows as a novie into the order

  • Sister Irene receives her first vows

    Sister Irene receives her first vows
  • Sister Irene recieves her final vows

  • Sister Irene graduated from University

    Sister Irene graduated from University
  • Sister Irene became a teacher

  • Sister Irene arrived in Peru

    Sister Irene arrived in Peru
  • Sister Irene wanted to become a missionary

  • Sister Irene was killed in the town square by teh Shining Path

    Sister Irene was killed in the town square by teh Shining Path