Sr Irene McCormack

  • Irene Is Born

    Irene Is Born
    In 1938 on the 21 of August Sr Irene McCormack was born in Kunnoppin Western Australia. She was educated by the SOSJ at Santa Maria College.
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    Sr Irene McCormack

  • Irene wants to become a nun

    Irene wants to become a nun
    At the age of 17 Irene grew a passion for the SOSJ and decided to be a nun. Irene showed a great deal of determination and faith to reach her goal.
  • SOSJ

    At the age of 18 Irene joined the Sisters of St Joseph.
  • Irenes Vows

    Irenes Vows
    Irene profesed her first vows in Sydney.
  • Irenes Vows

    Irenes Vows
    Irene professed her last and final vows in Sydney.
  • Graduation

    Irene graduated from the University of Western Australia.
  • Sr Irenes Revelation

    Sr Irenes Revelation
    In January 1987 Sr Irene McCormack explained the revelation she had at age 40. During Irenes time in Peru the rebels had imense control of the large areas of the countryside but continuously attacked the capital.
  • Arrival in Peru

    Arrival in Peru
    This was the year Sr Irene McCormack arrived in Peru to help the poor. Irene worked as a missionary and was a one of seven SOSJ in Peru.
  • Huasahuasi

    Sr Irene McCormack leaves to serve in Huasahuasi. Irene left with one other SOSJ. Huasahuasi was a poor community which had been attacked by the guerrilla group of the shining path.
  • Irenes Death

    Irenes Death
    This was the day that Sr Irene McCormack was executed in Huasahuasi's town square.