Spread Of Islam

  • 545

    Before Muhammad was born...

    Important trade stop and religious center of Arabia
    Many people because of the fresh water well
    Location of the Kaaba-shrine (300 idols)
    Many religions
    Abhar=to move or pass
    Majority of first inhabitants=Bedouins
    Arabs are Semites-descendants of Noah's son
    Qur'anic tradition-descendants of Abraham's son Ishmael
    Camels and Swords
    No strong central govt.
    Animistic Polytheism
    powerful local tribe of Arabs
    wanted tribes to give idols to put in Kaaba with fee for protection
  • 570

    Birth Of Muhammad

  • 590

    Muhammad's Early Life

    Angels told Amina, from the Hashim family of the Quraysh tribe, to name her son Muhammad, or "highly praised". Muhammad was born between 570 and 580. His father died before his birth, and his mother died when he was 6. He was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib.
    He was not educated, but became very good at work:
    Young man-worked for a wealthy widow, Khadija
    Reputation-seeker of solitude
  • Nov 1, 600

    Muhammad's realization

    Married-Khadija, had 7 children-1 daughter survived-Fatima
    Around the age of 40, Muhammad started to think about the flaws in the society. He believed there was something wrong with the way people lived in Mecca. Many were wealthy, but many were poor and not getting help. The tribes were constantly at war with each other.
    He retreated to the mountains
    He found a cave and stayed to pray and fast
    Finally, a vision of the angel Gabriel came to him...
  • Nov 6, 612

    What Gabriel revealed

    Gabriel revealed the name of Allah, in Arabic
    He told Muhammad to
    repeat the sacred word and share it with the people
    After two years of continuing to go to the cave and learn the teachings of Allah, he began preaching the visions
    Muhammad is seen as a prophet
    He told the people that Allah was the only G-d all people should worship. Jews and Christians don't have to convert
    The rich need to share with the poor
    Strong protect the weak
    pray 3 times a day
    His beliefs were written down in the Quran
  • Nov 6, 614


    The Quraysh were not happy with his teachings
    Merchants too disliked the message
    617 him and his followers now called muslims began facing discrimination in Mecca
    The leaders of the city told the people to boycott the muslims and not give them food. This lasted for 2 yrs, starvation, the death of Muhammad's wife and uncle
    Another vision
    He flew to Jerusalem, preached to prophets, and then got to take a tour of the heavens
    621-Yathrib-tired of fighting-converted to Islam-First Islamic Community
  • Nov 6, 622

    From Mecca to Yathrib to Medina

    Although he had a victory, they were still in danger
    622-they all moved to Yathrib (this year is known as the beginning of the Muslim era)
    The Quraysh were mad
    Muhammad's action:
    first time a tribe split off
    all things were based on kin, but the only thing for them was religion
    Muhammad got all people of Yathrib together- told them they would protect eachother--Medina
  • Nov 6, 632


    His home was the first mosque-open rooms
    Muhammad took as many as 11 wives-rule was four
    Muhammad let all people with other faiths worship freely
    Another vision-change the direction the muslims face for their prayers-quiblah
    faced Jerusalem-Mecca
    death- 632
    united most of the region under islam
    After his death, Islam still spread
  • Nov 10, 633

    After Muhammad's Death...immediate effects

    After the year 632 when Muhammad died, nobody knew who would lead the 100,000 muslims in their faith, and the political state for them. As a result, many tribes who had converted fell, and the fights between tribes began happening once again. Some tribes began to not pay the zakat at all.
  • Nov 11, 633

    After The Death.....continued

    Abu Bakr
    one of Muhammad's first followers
    good friend of his
    After Muhammad died, a council of his closest advisors concurred that Abu Bakr should become the Caliph-religious and political
    needed to reunite the community
    military campaigns in 633 against the "ex-muslims"-Riddah Wars
    revived islam tribes
    he started making the Qu'ran
    he died in 634-he still made a difference
    inner and political damage to Byzantine empire-634-holy war!
  • Nov 13, 633

    Ridda Wars

    military campaigns in 633 against the "ex-muslims"-Riddah Wars
    revived islam tribes/led by Abu Bakr needed to revive the islamic religion-forced tribes to return
    he did get many many muslims back, and he also was able to redirect their fighting to other empires.
  • Nov 13, 634


    secong of the"four righteous caliphs"
    used to be an enemy of muhammad
    umars daughter married muhammad
    umar became muhamads advisor
    Abu Bakr chose himto lead after he died
    experienced military leader
    great expansion of arabs-conquered byzantine empire(including mesopotamia and syria)
    israel became muslim--causes the modern day long term conflict
    umar was a brilliant organizer
    let conquered ppl retain their lands if they payed a certain tax
    he was harsh but respected.
  • Nov 13, 644


    third of the "four righteous caliphs"
    noble fam
    one of the first muslims-memorize the entire Qur'an
    married two of muhammad's gaughters
    umar was wounded, so a council appointed him to lead
    he expanded the islamic empire to iran, north africa, and caucuses
    his fam was made into athority-this angerred many--maybe corruption
    he was assasinated
    civil war bc assasins were not punished
    uthman standardized the qu'ran
    completed it and sent manuscripts to write new ones
    all other ones are burned
  • Nov 14, 661

    Umayyad Dynasty 661-750

    expansion of islam after muhammads death--military campaigns--expand arab rule
    100 year period--Arab Expansion
    Arabs conquered Byz. Empire, Sassanid emp.
    Arab kingdom--empire of caliphate--from atlantic to china
    not for islam-nobody forced to change religion-just to expand arab land
    661-750=arab kingdom ruled by the umayyad fam-they added spain, north africa, and parts of central asia...doubled size
    fell to rebel fighters in 750--abbasid dynasty ruled until 1258
  • Nov 13, 750

    Byzantines vs Persian empire

    they been conflicted for a long time
    after muhammads death they were exhausted and weak bc of inner religious and political stuff
    abu bakr--holy war
    umar took over the fighters
    conquered jerusalem, iraq, syria, palestine, egypt, and annexed mesopotamia
    Zoroastrianism-prophet was zarathustra-first major monotheistic religion
    750 arabs were from atlantic to india
    jews and christians could still worship as long as long as they payed respects to leaders
  • Nov 14, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258

    one of the two impt dynasties that made up the Empire of the Caliphate--all lands and ppl under muslim rule
    abbasids took over umayyad
    1258-mongols invaded and overthrew tham
    umayyads-attention was on the west (Southern Europe, Mediterranean, North Africa)
    Abbasids-Looked East-capital is Baghdad
    internal rivalries weakened and later broke it--separate nonreligious dynasties that collapsed when Mongols came