Sports Business Assignement 3

  • Initial Planning

    at 10 am. during this stage we began our planning of the product and the buisness. we initially thought of the product and began to design and improve it. then we started looking and discussing the prospects of what the product could achieve in the sports indusrty and pre-planned our questionaires
  • questionaires

    10:20 am . after the planning we began to create a mock questionaire, in order to make sure that its simple, easy to understand and easily completed. after this we then created our questionaire and began to hand them out to members of the public, class and staff and had our results quickly and accuratley upon handing them out.
  • creation of logo

    11:30 am. we began designing and create the logo. during this we spent quite along time, finding a suitable name that is unique but fitting to the product. after this we began to design our logo and allowing it to express our values of the company and what the product is but also keeping it simple and clear.
  • research of finances

    12 am. at this point of our planning we looked into background information using the results of the questionaires to help us. we began to have a rough idea on how much income and expendeture this product would create, we also looked into making this product a fair trade product and starting to make rough estimates on how much we would seel and manafacture this product.
  • beginning the presentation.

    10.30 am . this is when we began to use tthe information we had collected the day before in order to begin creating the presentaion. we decided we would make the presenation as apealing as we could with including to much "dull" inforamtion that we could answer ourselves, keeping the audience interested.
  • promotional ideas

    11 am whilst memebers of our group were creating the presentation the other memeber then began to evaluate promotional ideas that will help our product become more known throughout the sports industry.
  • creation of the product

    12.30 pm. we began to create our product virtually so that the audiences may see what our product looks like. this involved using adobe photoshop and included the designed logo and speific technical equipment used within the product.
  • completeion of the prodcut design

    on this day w completed the overall product design and any and all uses and equipment in order to make the product look more presentable to the audience.
  • presentation 2

    this is when we had nearly completed our presentationa dn began to rehearse all information in order to carry out the presentation keeping it fluent and eye chatching.
  • completeion of presentation

    this is when we had finally completed to the presentation and began to work on the delivery of the presentation.