Alamo 03

Revolution Era

By kellya
  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Battle of Gonzalez
    First battle of the Texas Revolution. Occured when Mexican army tried to take a cannon in an attempt to disarm the Texans. Resulted in the beginning of the Texas Revolution.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1836

    Constitutional Convention of 1836
    Texans meet at Washington on the Brazos and adopt(create) a constitution as well as a Declaration of Independence from Mexico.
  • Goliad Massacre

    Goliad Massacre
    Mass killing of nearly 300 Texans at Goliad. It was the location of where James Fannin died.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Final battle of the Texas Revolution. Sam Houston led a Texan army to victory over the Mexican army resulting in Texas Independence. Also resulted in the capture and surrender of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.