Spanish-American War

  • Hawaii grants United States exclusive use of Pearl Harbor.

    Hawaii grants United States exclusive use of Pearl Harbor.
    The Hawaiians gave us use of the naval base at Pearl Harbor because they hoped that would keep us from annexing them.
  • Grover Cleveland is elected president.

    Grover Cleveland is elected president.
    Gorver Cleveland was criticised heavily during his presidency. He took strong positions and caused the panic of 1893.
  • American planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani.

    American planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani.
    Americans came onto Hawaiian lands, staged a revolt, and the queen, seeing no other option, abdicated her throne.
  • Sino-Japanese War ends with Japanese victory over China.

    The Sino-Japanese war was a war fought between Japan and China over control of Korea.
  • William McKinely is elected president.

    William McKinely is elected president.
    President who led Americans to victory 100 days into the Spanish-American War. Supported the gold standard and high tariffs. Assassinated in 1901.
  • Boxer Rebillion occurs in China.

    Boxer Rebillion occurs in China.
    The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising of Chinese people who felt whites were treating them unfairly.
  • Theodore Roosevelt is elected president.

    Theodore Roosevelt is elected president.
    Teddy Roosevelt an avid outdoorsman. He was known for his ougoing personality and "cowboy" persona. He was an-ex naval captain and the leader of the rough riders.
  • Republic of Panama is established.

    Republic of Panama is established.
    In 1903, Panama broke off from Spain and several South American coutrnies and became independant.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Japanese people were fighting the Russians over control of their country.
  • William Howard Taft is elected president.

    William Howard Taft is elected president.
    William Howard Taft was a president famous for trust-busting, civil service reform, and improving the postal service.
  • Mexican Revolution begins.

    The Mexican Revolution was a armed uprising against Mexican autocrat Portofio Diaz.
  • Panama Canal opens.

    The Panama Canal is a trade route that connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.