Spanish American War

  • Mckinley became president

    He was told that it was his responsibility to keep Theodore Roosevlet out of the White House.
  • The Journal and the World compete

    Hearst, the owner of the Journal, said to an artist, "You'll furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war."
  • The explosion of the Maine

    The explosion of the Maine
    The Maine exploded in Havana after sitting in the harbor for three weeks.
  • Theodore resigned his position as asssitant secretary for the Navy

    He joined the fighting in Cuba.
  • The U.S. declared war on Spain

    McKinley was against declaring war at first, but was pressured into it.
  • Dewey attacked th Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.

    It was a suprise attack and sunk most of the fleet.
  • The Rough Riders attacked San Juan Hill.

    They were joined by the 9th and 10th Calveries (buffalo soldiers)
  • The treaty of Paris was signed

    It ended the war and dissolved most of the Spanish Empire.
  • The Filipinos rebeled for thier independence

    They were suprised that we were not giving them independance and fought us for freedom.
  • We added the Philippines

    The Philippines were given to us by Spain for $20 million.