Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • Factories set up in Russia

    Russia's railway network was extended. Coal production doubled and Iron and steel output quadrupled.
  • The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party was founded

    This was the party of the Workers
  • The Socialist Revolutionary Party was founded

    This was the party of the Peasants
  • Bad year for Russian Workers

    Prices of essential goods rose and the real wage decreased by 20%
  • The Duma is created

  • Bloody Sunday

  • Political Parties made legal

    Every political party in Russia was illegal before 1914
  • Tsar Nicholas's Reign over Russia started

  • Period: to


    War broke out b/w Germany, Austria and Turkey (the Central Powers) and Russia, France and Britain later Italy and Romania (the Allied Powers)
  • Railway lines began to break down

  • October Revolution of 1917

    Name of the Russian Revolution
  • Bolsheviks conducted elections to the Constituent Assembly

    and failed...
  • Vladimir Lenin returned from his exile

  • A lockout took place at a factory on the right bank. The next day, workers in 50 factories called a strike in empathy.

    This day is now known as International Womens Day since women played a major part in the strike.
  • The government suspended the Duma

  • Tsar Nicholas II abdicated

  • Lenin persuaded the Petrograd Soviet and the Bolshevik Party to agree to a socialist seizure of power

  • The Bolshevik uprising began

  • the Assembly rejected Bolshevik measures and Lenin dismissed the Assembly

  • the Bolsheviks made peace with Germany at Brest Litovsk

  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • Formation of Comintern

  • Bolsheviks controlled most of the former Russian Empire

  • Beginning of Collectivization

    All peasants were forced to cultivate in collective farms (Kolkhoz) by the Party. The ownership of collective farms received the implements and bulk of land.
  • Period: to

    Number of cattle fell by ⅓rd