
Sister Irene Mccormack

  • Birth of Sister Irene

    Birth of Sister Irene
    she was born in Western Australia
  • she joined the Sisters of Saint Joseph at the age of 17

    she joined the Sisters of Saint Joseph at the age of 17
  • Sister Irene graduated university

    Sister Irene graduated university
    when she graduated university of Western Australia in 1969
  • Sister Irene became a school principle

    Sister Irene became a school principle
  • she left Peru to serve in Huasahuasi

    she left Peru to serve in Huasahuasi
  • she traveled to Peru

    she traveled to Peru
  • Priests in Huasahuasi were warned they were in danger

    Priests in Huasahuasi were warned they were in danger
  • she returned to her home

    she returned to her home
  • Josephite sisters celbrated 10 years

    Josephite sisters celbrated 10 years
  • Sister Irene was murdered