
Semester Timeline - World History

  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    City-states are thriving due to wealth, curiosity, rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman ideals, and peace were all causes of the Renaissance
  • 1439

    Gutenberg Invented the Printing Press

    Gutenberg Invented the Printing Press
    Gutenberg creates the printing press in Germany
  • 1455

    Gutenberg Prints the Bible

    Since he printed the Bible, he is charged with heresy due to the fact that only the Pope can interpret the Bible
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Land in the Carribean

    Spanish sailor lands in San Salvador
  • 1497

    Spread of the Renaissance to Northern Europe

    Students from Northern Europe in Italy take with them the Renaissance and it's ideals when they go back home
  • 1497

    Portugal Claims Brazil

    Portuguese explorers claim the land of present-day Brazil
  • 1498

    Da Vinci Painted the Last Supper

    Da Vinci Painted the Last Supper
    Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples
  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama Sails to India and Back

    Vasco da Gama Sails to India and Back
    Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama completes the first trip to India via ocean
  • 1502

    Amerigo Vespucci Returns From Exploration

    Amerigo Vespucci Returns From Exploration
    Since he extensively explored North America, the continents were named the Americas after him
  • 1503

    Da Vinci Painted the Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci Painted the Mona Lisa
  • 1504

    Michelangelo Sculpted the Statue of David

    Michelangelo Sculpted the Statue of David
    Sculpture of David made by Michelangelo
  • 1509

    Praise of Folly is Written by Erasmus

    Praise of Folly is Written by Erasmus
    Erasmus criticizes people in the church and in religion itself for their improper actions (merchants, monks, theologians, etc)
  • 1510

    Francisco Pizarro Lands in South America

    Francisco Pizarro Lands in South America
    Spanish explorer lands in present day Columbia
  • 1512

    Michelangelo Painted the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo Painted the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is painted as a depiction of Heaven
  • 1517

    Luther Nailed His "95 Theses" To The Catholic Church's Door

    Luther Nailed His "95 Theses" To The Catholic Church's Door
    Luther states his problems with the Catholic Church and nails them on their front door for everyone to see
  • 1517

    Edict of Worms - Luther's Trial

    Edict of Worms - Luther's Trial
    Martin Luther is on trial for heresy, and is to recant his statements against the Catholic Church
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes Lands on the Yucatan Peninsula

    Hernan Cortes Lands on the Yucatan Peninsula
    Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes sailed to the Yucatan
  • 1521

    Hernan Cortez Takes the City "Tenochtitlan" for Spain

    Hernan Cortez Takes the City "Tenochtitlan" for Spain
    Defeating the Aztecs, he takes their capital city and renames it Mexico City, the current capital of Mexico
  • 1522

    Luther Translated The Bible into German

    Luther has translated the Bible into German so people could interpret the Bible for themselves, not just through the Pope
  • 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan and Crew Cricumnavigate the World

    Ferdinand Magellan and Crew Cricumnavigate the World
    The first explorer to successfully sail around the world; however, Magellan was killed by a poison arrow, but some of his crew made it back home
  • 1528

    Castiglione Publishes "The Book of Courtier"

    Castiglione Publishes "The Book of Courtier"
    This book explains the proper behavior of women
  • 1532

    Machiavelli Published "The Prince"

    Machiavelli Published "The Prince"
    The Prince covers how to gain and maintain political power; as well as how to be an effective leader
  • 1533

    King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon are Divorced

    King Henry VIII is finally given a divorce from his wife by the Anglican Church after England leaves the Catholic Church
  • 1533

    King Henry VIII is Excommunicated by the Pope

    As a consequence, the Pope excommunicated the King for going against him
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro Defeated the Incas

    Pizarro battles with the Inca empire and wins
  • 1534

    Jesuits are Founded

    Jesuits are Founded
    Saint Ignatius De Loyola created the Jesuits to spread the word of Jesus
  • 1534

    King Henry VIII is Made Head of the Anglican Church

    The King of England now control both the monarch, as well as the church
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier Discovered the St. Lawrence River

    French explorer discovers the St. Lawrence River
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier Lands on Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island

    Jacques Cartier Lands on Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island
    French explorer lands in present day Canada
  • 1535

    Jacques Cartier Named Canada and the City Quebec

    French explorer names the land Canda which means "village" and Quebec which means "where the river narrows"
  • 1536

    John Calvin Published "Institutes of the Christian Religion"

    John Calvin Published "Institutes of the Christian Religion"
    This book written by John Calvin outlines his beliefs in Christianity as well as predestination
  • 1542

    Jesuits Take Control of Spanish & Italian Inquisitions

    The Jesuits are now in charge of converting non belivers through excessive force, people are tortured until they convert
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus Creates the Heliocentric Model

    Nicolaus Copernicus Creates the Heliocentric Model
    Places the Sun in the center of the solar system instead of the Earth
  • 1545

    Council of Trent Called for the First Time

    Council of Trent Called for the First Time
    Called by Pope Paul III to discuss Catholic doctrine and how to reform the Catholic Church
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Peace treaty between France and a European coalition in the city of Augsburg
  • 1558

    Queen Elizabeth I makes the Anglican Church the State Church

    Queen Elizabeth I passes legislation which makes the Anglican Church the offical religion of England
  • 1580

    Francis Drake Circumnavigated the World

    Francis Drake Circumnavigated the World
    First English explorer to circumnavigate the world
  • Tolerance of Huguenots in France

    The French government passes a law that allows Huguenots to peacefully practice in France
  • Shakespeare Writes the Play: Julius Caesar

  • Cervantes Published "Don Quixote"

    Cervantes Published "Don Quixote"
    Don Quixote is a middle aged man who becomes a self guided knight and helps people who are in danger
  • Shakespeare Writes the Play: Hamlet

    Shakespeare Writes the Play: Hamlet
  • Johannes Kepler creates the first two Laws of Planetary Motion

    Johannes Kepler creates the first two Laws of Planetary Motion
    States how planet move in the solar system
  • Galileo Galilei Improved Upon the Telescope

    Galileo Galilei Improved Upon the Telescope
    Improved the telescope and viewed planets and other things in outer space
  • Johannes Kepler Created the Third Law of Planetary Motion

    States how the planets move in outer space
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    War between the Protestants and Catholics in Europe
  • William Harvey Publishes De Moto Cordis

    William Harvey Publishes De Moto Cordis
    (Anatomical Studies on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals) He discovered how the circulatory system works
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Revolt in England
  • Parliament Passes Laws to Limit Power

    Power to the crown is now limited, not absolute
  • Charles I fled London and Raised an Army in North England

    In an attempt to overthrow and arrest Parliament representatives, he builds an army against them
  • Period: to

    Cavaliers vs Puritan supporters of Parliament

    Parliament supporters and supporters of the king fight against each other
  • Oliver Cromwell Joined the Puritans

    Joined forces and commanded the Puritans
  • Puritans Capture and Hold the King Prisioner

    The Puritans capture King Charles and hold him hostage
  • Charles Brought to Trial for Treason and Found Guity

    Charles I is found guilty of treason and is killed
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    Intellectual movement concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity
  • Hobbes Wrote Leviathan

    Hobbes Wrote Leviathan
    Believed all humans were wicked, and if left to themselves people would let their evil ways run wild. Government was created to protect people from themselves; maintain order; absolute monarch is best
  • Louis XIV Built the Palace of Versailles

    Louis XIV Built the Palace of Versailles
    French Ruler Louis XIV re-modeled a hunting lodge and declared it royal housing for himself as well as his nobles. He was also boasting to the rest of Europe
  • Charles II died and James II became King

    Charles II died and James II became King
    Charles II dies and his son James II inherits the thrown
  • Issac Newton Published Prinicipa on Laws of Gravity and Motion

    Created the "Newton's Laws of Motion" and proposed the law of gravity
  • James II Wife Had a Son, Terrifying Parliament Due to Catholic Roots

    Since James II is Catholic, his son will be brought up Catholic as well, instead of Protestant
  • Parliament and William of Orange Overthrows James II

    William of Orange is invited by Parliament to overthrow James II to prevent a Catholic line of power. William brings his army to London and James II fled
  • Parliament Drafted a Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights lists things a ruler could and could not do to their people
  • Coronation of William and Mary

    Coronation of William and Mary
    William of Orange and Mary II are bestowed the thrown
  • Locke Wrote the Two Treatises of Government

    Locke Wrote the Two Treatises of Government
    Locke expressed his belief in the right to life, liberty, and property; as well as people being sovereign and able to rebel against an unjust government. People are able to reason
  • Peter the Great Established St. Petersburg as Capital of Russia

    By establishing this city as capital, it is seen as the "window to Russia"
  • Succession of Austria

    Succession of Austria
    Agreement stating that Austria gives land to Prussia and follows their terms
  • Montesquieu Wrote the Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu Wrote the Spirit of Laws
    The Spirit of Laws outline his beliefs in separation of powers and right to trial
  • Rousseau Wrote the Social Contract

    Rousseau Wrote the Social Contract
    Rousseau expressed that government was a contract between the rulers and the people they rule. Said man was born free, yet everyone is in chains; liberty was everyone's birthright, but many were oppressed; stronger ruled over the weaker = civilization; consent of the governed
  • Tennis Court Oath is Taken By Third Estate

    Tennis Court Oath is Taken By Third Estate
    Since they were locked out of the Estates General, they met in an indoor Tennis Court and swore an oath to not separate and to restore order
  • French Revolution Begins with the Storming of the Bastille

    French Revolution Begins with the Storming of the Bastille
    People of France stormed the Bastille prison, this marks the beginning of the French Revolution
  • National Assembly Issued the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen"

    This document explains the rights of man and how they are supposed to be treated
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Attempt to Flee Paris

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempt to flee in order to innitiate a counter-revolution; however, they are stopped by a guard and held there
  • Radicals Take Over the French Government

    Radicals trial the king and take his position
  • Robespierre Begins the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre Begins the Reign of Terror
    Louis XVI and his wife are executed, beginning the Reign of Terror
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    Robespierre is executed as an enemy of the French Revolution
  • Moderates regain control and write the Constitution of 1795

  • Napoleon's Supporters in the Military Took Control of the Gov't

    Napoleon's Supporters in the Military Took Control of the Gov't
    Military officers take over the weak French government in a coup d’état
  • Napoleon Submitted a Plebiscite for an Empire

    Since the majority of the citizens voted in favor of an empire, Napoleon became emperor
  • Napoleon is Defeated in Russia

    Napoleon is Defeated in Russia
    In an attempt to march on Russia in the winter, Napoleon and his men are brought to their knees by the Russian winter and troops
  • Napoleon Went into Exile

    Napoleon goes into exile after the defeat from an allied Europe, on the island of Elba off the coast of Italy
  • Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo
    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo due to old formations and tactics, he was defeated by the Dutch, British, Germans, and Prussians
  • Delacroix Painted Liberty Leading the People

    Delacroix Painted Liberty Leading the People
    Commemoration of the July revolution which toppled King Charles X of France