Science class

  • what i learned today

    I learned how to better use google docs. I now know how to make graphs and insert them from a google spread sheet. This skill will help me in the future if my job requires me to make a graph.
  • What i learned

    We watched a video and we are supossed to guess how the solar system formed.
  • presentatioins

    We watched presentations on planets. I learned some new things about my planet Mars. I also learned cool things about other planets like Saturn.
  • What we did.

    We finished the presentations. The last 2 presentations were on some of Jupiter's moons. After the presentations we reviewed on our solar system for the test.
  • What i did

    We submitted our science fair part 3. My project is a leyden jar. I can't wait to show people what it can do.
  • What i did

    We talked about energy types. I named at least 3 of them. I feel acomplished.
  • what we did.

    We learned about photosynthesis. Then we did a role play about photosynthesis. WE got free time after words.