Awsome face

Sahil's Time Line

By sah935
  • Birth of Awesome

    Birth of Awesome
    It was late afternoon at the Sydney Hospital in Sydney, Australia on October 2nd. Aruna and Mrunal Karnik were rushing into the building, and were soon to be parents. Next, Aruna was taken into a room. You see, she was in labour. After waiting for what seemed like years, out came a healthy baby boy! The Proud parents decided to name this child, Sahil Karnik.
  • Period: to

    Baby Years

    These were the first few years of my life, sleeping, eating and farting. Little did I know that there was more to come.
  • Went to First Swimming Class

    Went to First Swimming Class
    Most people don't know how to swim and instead they focus on terrestrial. I however, learned when I was only one year old. I find it's a very useful skill to know, you never know when you'll need it!
  • Immigration to Canada

    Immigration to Canada
    When I was only one year , I left Australia and came to Canada, the land of opportunities. My parents wanted to start new lives, so they came here. Now that I am older, I have realized what an amazing country Canada is. There is fluffy stuff called snow, in Australia all we got was rain and extemly hot summers! Also, Canada's health care system is one of the best in the world!
  • Learned to Talk

    Learned to Talk
    All babies learn speak in proper english or any other language at some point in their lives. Also, girls tend to learn sooner than boys. At my age I was expected to be speaking already, so my parents were beginning to get worried. Whenever they went into another room, they would put on a channel called Treehouse. One time, they left the TV on, and a teenage show was on. All the words they used helped me to learn to communicate. On July 21st I was able to talk! Even now I keep learning new words!
  • First Day of school

    First Day of school
    It was the first day in my life where I was going to school. The minute I saw the giant stone building, I was terrified. When I got to class I saw the strangest thing, kids my own age! My feeling of joy disappered when my mom left, I thought I wouldn't see her again, but I did. Now I know that school isn't that bad.
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  • Moved to Oakville

    Moved to Oakville
    When I came to Canada, I began living in Toronto.My family thought it was too noisy and crowded, so clearly it was time to move on. Only having one best friend, I was excited to meet more. When we settled down in oakville, I started going to a school called Abby Lane Public School. There I was the smallest kid in school! Everyone was a million feet taller than me! Over the years, I started making friends, but I still preferred Toronto!
  • Lost First Tooth

    Lost First Tooth
    Everyone loses their baby teeth, so the new ones can move in. When I was in grade two, I lost my first one. Boy, did it hurt! Now that I'm 12, I have lost most, if not all of my baby teeth!
  • Grand Father Passed Away

    Grand Father Passed Away
    My grandfather was the coolest. He would always play with me, and he never got mad at me. In fact, when my parents got mad at me, he got mad at them! Sadly, he went to a better place on September 11th. He died of high blood pressure. I blame the hospital for taking their sweet time while taking my grangpa to the hospital. I wish he could have stayed around longer to see the birth of my brother.
  • Brother was Born

    Brother was Born
    When I was five, I asked for a brother. You see, all friends had brothers, and I thought a brother would be a playmate. I was shocked when my parents told me my mom was pregnant. I thought you're supposed to buy them! After nine months of waiting, on September 19th, in Trafalgar Memmorial Hospital a baby boy came into the Karnik family. That baby boy was named Aarnav Karnik!
  • Completed First Triatlon

    Completed First Triatlon
    A triathalon is a race that consists of swimming,biking and then running. I had been training for a month for this race. I had my eyes on the prize, the gold medal. I got ready at the pool, and then the refferee fired the starting blank and I was off. When the race was over, I came in 8th, that wasn't a place to recieve a medal, but at least it was better than coming last place!
  • Moved to Mississauga

    Moved to Mississauga
    Moving to mississauga was a big change for me, I had to say goodbye to all of my friends in oakville. I think that it was harder than the time when I left Toronto. Soon, I found out what school I was going to take admission in, Mckinnon Public School. After a few months, I made a few friends wHo are still my friends today!
  • Became a Pre-Teen

    Became a Pre-Teen
    It was the day that I had been waiting on for a very long time! You see, when I was five years old I decided that I wouldn't be cool enough until I was a teenager. Now that I am a pre teen I am finally tall enough to ride a skateboard! Now that I am 12 years old, I am only one year away from becoming a teenager.