Russo-Japanese War was an embarrising defeat for Russia

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Was an em'barrising defeart for Russia
    Expossed the weakness of Russian government
  • Bloody Sunday

    Destroyed peoples faith and respect for the tsar
  • Revolution of 1905

    Was a way to show it was a peacefull revolution
  • Creation of Duma

    Was in the hands of the Tsar
  • Russia enters the war

    Russia entered the war with the largest army with 1.4 million soldiers, when fully imobilized they consisted 5 million soldiers.
  • March Revolution

    People were fed up with working conditions and started going on strikes
  • Russia pulls out of WW1

    Russia pulled out of the war because they had food shortages and lost most of their army.
  • Assassination of Romsnov Family

    The Tsar and his family was murderderd
  • Stalin comes to power

    Played a very large role in the engineering at this point in time.
  • Trotsky wins Civil War

    Trotsky was a brilliant and vicious war leader