Map of russia

Russisa Czars to Communism What Has Happened

By Fish15
  • Jan 1, 1462

    Ivan the Great

    Ivan the Great
    Ivan the great (who ruled from 1462-1505) did what was necessary to create a strong Russia. Under his rule, the Russian empire was expanded and the Mongol rule was ended when he refused to pay the tax.
  • Tension In Russia

    Tension In Russia
    In the early 1800's, every level of Russian society was unstable. Under the rule of a weak Czar, serfs wanted freedom and their own land while nobles were supporting ideas from the west rather than what Russia was currently doing. It was only a matter of time before the tension In Russia broke. The country was a ticking time bomb.
  • Revoloutionary Actions

    Revoloutionary Actions
    In the mid 1860’s, Russian citizens still weren’t satisfied with the slow rate of development. The idea of Marxism (a form of socialism) was becoming more and more popular and the small but growing educated classes were quietly gaining power.
  • Rise Of Communism

    Rise Of Communism
    After the War of 1905 Russian government had taken a hit. It was a perfect time for the communist to force their ideals on the people of Russia.When the serfs are promised equality among all the people of Russia of course it was a success. With Karl Marx success of his book of communism Russia soon latched on and the rise of communism had began.
  • Period: to

    Communism The Rise and Fall

    Communism: Is complety governement control views all people to be treated equal
  • Big Brother is watching...Always!

    Big Brother is watching...Always!
    At the height of Communism in Russia there is one name that comes to mind and is feared that name is Joseph Stalin. He was a dictator, he ruled with an iron fist. He was everywhere he burned the tought of "Большой Брат всегда следит за" (big brother is always watching) his face and propaganda was plastered all over russian. This instilled these thoughts in the people they feared him greatly. He killed millions be it for war or anyone who spoke out about him.
  • Fall of Communism

    Fall of Communism
    The revolts of communism had started in poland. The countries gripped by communist rule was tired of what they had become and started to riot this riped through the cities of all countries under communist rule
  • "End" of Communism in Russia

    "End" of Communism in Russia
    The Fall of communism was just the start. The revolts coninued into the 90s. In 1992 14 Countries declared indepences from soviet rule this includes Russia, the heart of it. Not all counrties have disbaned communism but in europe it was the end.