russian revolutions - jagger gilleland

  • Alexander III and resistance

    Alexander III and resistance
    he used harsh measures of censorship and secret police. this was his way but it created harsh distaste for his rule, he also targeted minorities with creating the official language russian. this sparked a new wish to overthrow the czars
  • Russia Industrializes

    Russia Industrializes
    When Russia industrialized it was much later then other European nations.The workers had harsh living conditions and it clearly created discontent. this lead to more wishing to over throw the Czar.
  • Japan and Russia fight over korea and manchuria

    Japan and Russia fight over korea and manchuria
    Russia and Japan had signed agreements over who owned what in japan and manchuria. However what russia broke that agreement they went to war. the mass loss of russian live spiked a revolt on russian soil and created more hatred for the monarchy.
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    200,000 workers protest outside the czars winter palace. the czar sends solders to repress and shoot down the protesters. This has very poor impact on the opinion on Nicholas
  • czar Nicholas created the duma

    czar Nicholas created the duma
    The Duma were created to appease the citizens of russia. after they started in May 1906 it took the czar 10 weeks till he disbanded them. The people had wished for the duma but upon its disbandment clearly weren't happy at the czar's decisions.
  • WW1

    WW1 was spun up by alliances, and Russia citizens weren't happy to be in the war. all they wanted was out because they dint want to loose men. This created a mass amount of discontent and would be one of the main reasons to over throw the next two governments.
  • Rasputin in the government

    Rasputin in the government
    As the czar moved away from the capital and toward the front lines to boost morale the queen had started to take advise in a monk. this monk, rasputin, was not trusted by the people of russia. this lead to a massive distrust in the current government of russia.
  • February revolt

    February revolt
    200,000 workers marched on Petrograd and protested the government, at first solders shot at them before turning around and joining the crown. The czar stepped down as ruler and the duma too over the government. this made a revolution less possible but as the duma stayed in ww1 it angered citizens even more as they saw it as the czar's war.
  • Lenin returns

    Lenin returns
    The germans had a way to get the russians out of the war. they send back the biggest political adversary, lenin back to russia to sturr up revolution. this is the start of the full revolution into motion.
  • Bolshevik Revolution/ October revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution/ October revolution
    with lenin back in russia the Bolshevik party was able to rise up and gain control of the government and rule. they finaly pulled Russian out of ww1 and helped stabilize the country. this was the culmination of all of the revolution beliefs.