Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Rasputin Assassinated

    It is believed that Rasputin was invited to a dinner hosted by Feliz Yusupov who then shot him and then he was shot again by Vladimir Parishkevich. Then, Rasputin was thrown into a hole in the Neva River where he drowned. People descibe his death as an end to the dark rule of the tsar and his wife and then beginning of a lighter Russia.
  • Communist Control Russia

  • Petrograd Soviets are Formed

  • Czar Nicholas II Abdictates

    Czar Nicholas II Abdictates
    This marks the end of a thousand years of Romanov ruling. Nicholas was a very conservative ruler and ruled the same ways as his ancestors while times were changing and becoming more modern. His ancestors ideas weren't working for Russia at that time anymore. He was too weak and abdictated in favour of his brother, Grand Duke Michael, except that didn't work out in the end either.
  • The March Revolution

  • Russian Civil War

  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
  • Lenin Shipped by Germans to Russia

  • Lenin Signs Treaty of Bret-Litvosk

    Lenin Signs Treaty of Bret-Litvosk
  • Royal Family Murdered

    After Tsar Nicholas II abdictated, they were kept prisinors near St. Petersburg and then transported into the town of Ekaterinburg in the Spring of 1918. They were kept in the house of a successful local merchant. By mid-July, gunfire of the White Army could be heard from the house they were staying in, which sealed their fate so their potential miberators couldn't free them. During the morning of July 27, 1918, the royal family was herded into the celler of their prison house and were killed.