Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Czar Nicholas rule

    Czar Nicholas rule
    Alexander oppressed other national groups within russia. He made russian the official language and forbid the use of minority languages. He imposed strict cenorshipcodes on publised materials. When he became czar he continued the tradtion of russian autocracy.
  • Industrailization and the problems it caused in russia

    Industrailization and the problems it caused in russia
    brought grueling working conditions, miserably low wages, and child labor. The government outlawed trade unions. The workers began to organize strikes
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    rapid industrialization stirred discontent among the russian people. As a result of these different revolutionary groups began to form. The two main ones were the proletariat who were the workers, andthe bolsheviks who were people who supported a number of people willing to give everything up for change.
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    200,000 workers and their families marched to the czar's winter palace in St. Petersburg carrying a petition for better working conditions. nicholas II's generals ordered to fire on the crowd more then 1,000 were wounded and several hundred were killed. Provoked a wave of strikes and violence to spread across russia
  • world war 1

    world war 1
    russia was unprepared to enter the war, german machine guns mowed down russian troops. Nicholas moved his headquarters to the front to encourage his troops and his wife controlled the government and fell under the influence of rasputin a man who claimed to have magical healing powers. The russian soliders were ignoring orders and giving up.
  • The march revolution

    The march revolution
    women workers in petrograd led a citywide strike, Riots began to flare over the next five days over the shortage of bread and fuel. Almost 200,000 workers were invloved at first the soldiers obeyed orders and shot at them but they sided with them.
  • the czar steps down

    the czar steps down
    Local protest soared into a general uprising forced czar nicholas to abdicate his throne. A year later nicholas and his family were executed. the march revolution succeded in bringing down the czar but failed in setting up a strong government in its place. Leaders of druma set up a temporary government goverened by Alexander kerensky.
  • The bolshevik revolution

    The bolshevik revolution
    lenin and the bolsheviks gained control of the petrograd soviet as well as all other major russian cities. Lenins slogan " peace, land and bread gained widespread appeal. Lenin decided to take action.
  • lenin in power

    lenin in power
    lenin put aside his plan for for a state controlled economy and resorted to a small scale form of capitalism called the new economic policy. By 1928 russias farms were back to producing as much food as they did before world war 1.
  • stalin becomes dictator

    stalin becomes dictator
    after lenin suffered a stroke which he survived stalin began his climb and began moving people who supported him ino positions of power. By 1928 he was in complete control and trotsky had been forced into exile in 1929 and was no longer a threat. Stalin now stood poised to wield absolute power as a dictator.